Archive for month: November, 2017
Observation of replica symmetry breaking in disordered nonlinear wave propagation
Davide Pierangeli, Andrea Tavani, Fabrizio Di Mei, Aharon J. Agranat, Claudio Conti & Eugenio DelRe have published an article Observation of replica symmetry breaking in disordered nonlinear wave propagation in nature communications.
A landmark of statistical mechanics, spin-glass theory describes critical phenomena in disordered systems that range from condensed matter to biophysics and social dynamics. The most fascinating concept is the breaking of replica symmetry: identical copies of the randomly interacting system that manifest completely different dynamics.… Read the rest
Talk: Miguel Alonso – November 22, 2017
Aula 6 – Edificio Fermi, Dipartimento di Fisica
The connection between rays and waves
Miguel Alonso (University Rochester)
While the ray model is outdated as a physical theory, it is still an extremely valuable conceptual and computational tool for the design and modeling of optical systems. It is therefore important to know the limits of its validity as well as its connection to the more physical wave framework.… Read the rest