APS fellowship to Stefano Boccaletti

ISC researcher Stefano Boccaletti has become APS fellows for seminal contributions to self-organization and control of continuous and distributed systems, including pattern formation in extended media and synchronization in networks and hypergraphs. Stefano Boccaletti is part of the  Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics  and will give a Zoom  seminar next Monday February 17th  for the The klogW Series

Title: Why Are There Six Degrees of Separation in a Social Network?

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She Rocks Science starts on February 11th

Le ricercatrici dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi partecipano  alla Giornata Internazionale delle Ragazze e delle Donne nella Scienza.
In occasione della Giornata Internazionale delle Ragazze e delle Donne nella Scienza, invitiamo tutte le ricercatrici, dalle dottorande alle docenti e dirigenti di ricerca del Dipartimento di Fisica della Sapienza e degli enti di ricerca che vi sono ospitati a prendere parte alla foto di gruppo sul piazzale dell’edificio Marconi, martedì 11 Febbraio alle 17.30.
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ISC2025 Rome February 6-7

It is a pleasure to announce the Workshop ISC2025 to be held on February 6-7 2025 in Rome. The year 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Complex Systems (ISC-CNR), a milestone that highlights two decades of cutting-edge research into complexity across diverse fields. The workshop represents an opportunity for Institute members and academics to come together and exchange ideas.Read the rest

Scaling Fluctuations and Flows February 5 Rome

On February 5th, the event “Scaling, Fluctuations and Flows” will take place, which is also an opportunity to say farewell to our friend and colleague, Alberto Petri, who is leaving the CNR due to age limits.
More information can be found here.


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Un segno contro la violenza di genere – 26 novembre ore 13.00

Nel Novembre dello scorso anno ci siamo incontrate e incontrati per ricordare insieme, rumorosamente, il femminicidio di Giulia Cecchettin. L’iniziativa è nata spontaneamente per rispondere allo smarrimento di tante di noi, toccate dalla vicinanza dell’esperienza di Giulia, studentessa universitaria (peraltro, in ambito scientifico) come noi siamo state o siamo. È servita però anche ad aprire una discussione sul tema della violenza di genere all’interno agli spazi che viviamo quotidianamente, come lavoratrici e studentesse del dipartimento e degli enti di ricerca che vi sono ospitati.

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Presentation of new book – Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Conservation

Friday May 17th at 17:00
Sala Maestra
Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia

Presentation of Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and ConservationThe Collection of Chigi Palace in Ariccia, Italy (Springer 2024)
Edited by Sofia Ceccarelli, Roberta Fantoni, and Mauro Missori showcasing scientific results at Palazzo Chigi (Ariccia, Rome) from the ADAMO project (Analysis, Diagnostics, and Monitoring), funded by the Lazio Region, as part of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District for Cultural Heritage of Lazio (DTC).… Read the rest

Seminar by W. Górecki, May 10 at 14:00 in Sala Lauree

Speaker  Dr. Wojciech Górecki, INFN Sez. Pavia

Title  Quantum metrology of noisy boson systems


We present a general recipe for deriving bounds on the precision metrology of noisy boson channels, treating both energy and total time as resources. We apply it to a series of examples with both Hamiltonian parameter estimation (frequency, displacement, squeezing) and noise parameter estimation (damping constants and temperature), explaining the relationship between different models in a common framework.… Read the rest

Meeting ISC-NPU

On April 24 ISC researchers will meet researchers from  the Chinese Northwestern Polytechnical University at the ISC headquarter in Via dei Taurini, 19. Below you can find the final program of the meeting


 … Read the rest

Seminar by S. De Palo, April 4th at 15.00

 Title: Quasi-one dimensional dipolar bosonic systems: from gas to droplet formation

 Speaker: Stefania De Palo, Researcher, IOM-CNR

 Date & Room: April 4th, h. 15.00 -Sala lauree


We study a tightly trapped one-dimensional dipolar gas of bosonic atoms for which we derive the equation of state using  a variational approximation based on the Lieb-Liniger gas Bethe ansatz wave function. We test our results by computing the breathing mode after solving the stationary generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, finding very good agreement with experiments.Read the rest

Seminar by M. Brunelli, April 8 at 15:00

Speaker  Dr. Matteo Brunelli, research fellow at University of Basel

Title  Non-Hermitian topological amplification


Non-Hermitian (NH) Hamiltonians enable novel topological phases of matter, characterized by unique kinds of degeneracies and extreme sensitivity to changes of boundary conditions—the so-called NH skin effect. Many aspects of NH topological phases are not yet fully understood. As an example, the NH skin effect blurs the separation between edge and bulk states, which determines the breakdown of the bulk-boundary correspondence.… Read the rest

Job Placement Student Meeting CNR @ Dep. Physics Sapienza

ISC researcher Barbara Ruzicka presents ISC activities in a meeting with students at the Department of Physics of Sapienza, 14  March 2024.

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She Rocks Science! on February 12 2024 @ Sapienza

12 Febbraio 2024 – She Rocks Science! – Evento in occasione dell’International Day of Girls and Women in Science

In occasione della giornata internazionale delle donne nella scienza, che si celebra tutti gli anni l’11 Febbraio, il Dipartimento di Fisica, in collaborazione con gli Enti di ricerca attivi nel dipartimento (CNR, INFN, INAF, IIT), organizza un evento di formazione, divulgazione e networking aperto al corpo docente e studentesco.L’evento… Read the rest

6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials

The 6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials organized by Elettra – Trieste (Silvano Lizzit) and ISC (Rosanna Larciprete) will be held in Trieste (Italy) from the 14th to 18th of May 2024.… Read the rest

In ricordo di Giulia Cecchettin

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Soft Discussions – next webinar on December 13th

ISC reseracher Nicoletta Gnan co-organize the  interesting webinar series “Soft Discussions: Roads to the Isodays” covering various topics in soft matter.

Each webinar, of  the duration of approximately 1 hour,  cosists of  two parts:

Part1 – Ask me Anything!

Our Ask Me Anything (AMA) session is a unique opportunity to interact with an internationally renowned scientist in the field of soft matter.

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Rome Maker Faire October 20 2023

Le Ricercatrici Roberta Angelini e Barbara Ruzicka dell’Istituto dei  Sistemi Complessi partecipano a Maker Faire Rome (https://makerfairerome.eu/it/anteprima/) nello stand Rome Technopole  con un laboratorio interattivo rivolto principalmente agli studenti, ma  adatto anche ad un pubblico generico, basato sulla manipolazione di  diversi materiali soffici per scoprire di più sulle proprietà di questi  materiali del futuro e sulle loro applicazioni.



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29 Settempre 2023: Notte europea dei ricercatori

La Ricercatrice Roberta Angelini dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi  partecipa alla Notte euopea dei Ricercatori nello stand di Rome Technopole per accogliere ed introdurre il pubblico al nuovo  ecosistema  dell’innovazione della regione Lazio, il primo polo multi-tecnologico per l’insegnamento, la ricerca e e il trasferimento tecnologico nei settoridella transizione energetica e della sostenibilità, della transizione digitale e della salute e biofarmaceutica con 6 spokes e 8 flagships.… Read the rest

109th Meeting of the Italian Physical Society

This year, the Italian Physical Society (SIF) is organizing its 109th meeting from September 11th to September 15th, 2023, at the Department of Physics of the University of Salerno in Fisciano.

Plenary talk by ISC Researcher E. Zaccarelli, “The physics of thermoresponsive polymer networks: Insisghts from computer simulations”  More information on the many contributions of ISC reserachers can be found on the Conference Website.… Read the rest

Second School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics @ IMT Lucca starts on August 28th 2023

The second edition of the School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics – SIFS will be
held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy from the 28th of August to the 7th of September
The school will offer intensive two-weeks courses with follow up meetings. It will be structured into two long
courses, four short courses and tutoring activities.… Read the rest

SILS 2023, Rome, August 30th – September 1st 2023

Annual Conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS)

The annual conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS) will be held in Rome at the Sapienza University from Wednesday 30 August until Friday 1 September 2023.

The conference aims at bringing together the wide Italian community working on instrumentation and
applications of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser. It will serve as an opportunity to highlight recent scientific results in different fields and to present the status and future directions of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser sources.… Read the rest

Là fuori. Festival della scienza e arte. Roma, 17-21 Giugno 2023

Claudia Fasolato, ricercatrice ISC, partecipa a Là fuori. Festivale della scienza e arte.

Là Fuori Festival è parte di un progetto più grande che nasce a Roma con l’obiettivo di piantare un seme per la creazione di una cittadinanza scientifica e critica, partendo dall’idea che le sperimentazioni artistiche, affiancate all’indagine scientifica, possano stimolare non solo la partecipazione attiva ma anche la qualità dell’esplorazione della realtà, affiancando alla prospettiva oggettiva della scienza quella dell’espressione soggettiva dell’arte.

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Sapienza Career Days: B. Ruzicka presents ISC activities

Sapienza Career Days – STEM

Il 18 maggio 2023 Barbara Ruzicka, direttore dell’unità di ricerca ISC-Sapienza, presenterà le attività dell’Istituto alla prima edizione del Sapienza Career Days – STEM, evento  dedicato all’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro in ambito STEM.

L’evento coinvolgerà imprese e organizzazioni che presso i desk allestiti saranno a disposizione per incontrare gli studenti e i laureati delle Facoltà STEM: 

  • Architettura
  • Ingegneria civile e industriale
  • Ingegneria dell’informazione, informatica e statistica
  • Scienze Matematiche, fisiche e naturali

Saranno inoltre organizzati sessioni parallele con focus tematici sulle professioni e presentazioni in aula nel corso delle quali le aziende illustreranno la propria cultura, descriveranno le opportunità di carriera, i principali profili ricercati e l’iter di selezione.… Read the rest

Italian Quantum Weeks March 13th – May 14th 2023

Cosa sono le Italian Quantum Weeks?

Si tratta di eventi diffusi su tutto il territorio nazionale, grazie all’ampia rete di partner scientifici che aderiscono, programmati in presenza e on-line e dedicati a un pubblico di tutte le età. L’obiettivo è diffondere il mondo dei quanti e le opportunità che la rivoluzione quantistica sta per portare. Le Italian Quantum Weeks vengono promosse da scienziati, ingegneri, divulgatori ed educatori italiani in occasione del World Quantum Day, previsto per il 14 Aprile.… Read the rest

Rome Science Festival 18-23 Aprile 2023

ISC researchers  Marco Montuori, Roberta Angelini, Claudia Fasolato, Barbara Ruzicka participate to Roma Science Festival

I giochi da tavolo, il loro uso e la loro creazione, possono essere un prezioso supporto per la didattica grazie alla capacità di coinvolgimento, e alla possibilità che danno di manipolare concetti astratti fornendo metafore e illustrazioni.

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Seminar by Simone Felicetti on March 14th 2023.

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr.Simone Felicetti, from CNR Rome, Italy.
The seminar will be held in Sala Lauree on Tuesday March 14, 2023, 3:00 PM.

Waveguide QED with Quadratic Light-Matter Interactions

Quadratic light-matter interactions are nonlinear couplings such that quantum emitters interact with photonic or phononic modes exclusively via the exchange of excitation pairs. Implementable with atomic and solid-state systems, these couplings lead to a plethora of phenomena that have been characterized in the context of cavity QED, where quantum emitters interact with localized bosonic modes.

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Seminar by Shlomo Havlin on January 16th 2023.

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Prof.Shlomo Havlin, from Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
The seminar will be held in Aula conversi on Monday Jan 16, 2023, 2:30 PM.

Interdependent Networks: Novel Physical Phase Transitions

A framework for studying the percolation theory of interdependent networks will be presented. In interdependent networks, such as infrastructures, when nodes in one network fail, they cause dependent nodes in other networks to also fail.

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Seminar by F. A. Oliveira on Wednesday October 5th 2022

October the 5th 2022

First School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics starts on August 29 2022 @ IMT Lucca

Summer school of statistical physics @ IMT Lucca: ISC researchers among the organizers and speakers!

The first edition of the School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (Società Italiana di Fisica Statistica, SIFS) will be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy.

The school will offer intensive two-weeks courses with follow up meetings. It will be structured into two long courses, four short courses and tutoring activities.

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STEM the date : parità di genere negli studi STEM, 10 Maggio 2022

Incontro sulla prima legge nella regio Lazio volta a promuovere la parità di genere negli studi STEM, parteciperà Valentina Palmieri, ricrcatrice ISC.

 … Read the rest

Machine Learning Photonics 2022 – Lake Como School for Advanced Studies, August 29 – September 2

After the great success of the 2021 edition (online), we are announcing the conference at the Lake Como with outstanding lecturers and a wonderful environment!

Official website of the Lake Como School for Advanced StudiesRead the rest

Dagli storni al traffico è tutto un movimento. Collettivo. – Intervista a Stefania Melillo, ricercatrice ISC

Stefania Melillo, ricercatrice ISC, spiega la connessione tra la fisica dei sistemi complessi e lo studio dei movimenti degli stormi in una video intervista su CNR WebTV.

Roma d’inverno offre uno spettacolo naturalistico impressionante, quasi inaspettato da vedere in una città così grande. Ogni sera, poco prima del tramonto, migliaia di uccelli coordinano il loro movimento e appaiono come un unico organismo per difendersi dai predatori.… Read the rest

Seminar by S. Felicetti Friday October 22 at 4 pm in Conversi

We are pleased to announce a seminar by  Dr. Simone Felicetti  from the Institute for Photonics and Nanostructures of CNR, to be held on October Friday 22nd in Aula Conversi at 4 pm.

Title: “Critical parametric quantum sensing”

Quantum critical systems in proximity of phase transitions exhibit a divergent susceptibility, suggesting that an arbitrarily-high precision may be achieved when they are used as probes to estimate a physical parameter.

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Talk by Maxime Bergman on October 5 at 3:00 p.m in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr. Maxime Bergman (University of Fribourg) to be held in Aula 2 (2nd floor of the Fermi building, Department of Physics, Sapienza) on Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


Microgels have been shown to compress in stages: with increasing concentration, interpenetration of the networks occurs first, followed by faceting and finally isotropic compression.

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Talk by Giuseppe Pucci Sept. 29 at 12 in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

On septembre 29th, our colleague and friend Dr. Giuseppe Pucci from CNR-Nanotec (Calabria), is going to give a talk in Aula 2, Edificio Fermi of the Physics Department of La Sapienza, Roma.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


I review the potential and limitations as quantum analog and active systems of particles driven by self-generated waves at a fluid interface.

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SR40 – September 13-15 2021 Perugia, Italy

SR40 is an international conference that has the ambition to be devoted to all phenomena associate with noise, in general and to Stochastic Resonance, in particular. In fact, SR40 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Noise and Fluctuations, providing a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical applications.… Read the rest

Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting – Virtual OSA Meeting 9 – 13 August 2021

ISC Director Claudio Conti co-organizes an OSA Virtual meeting from 9th to 13th August 2021.

An international forum for discussion of all aspects of nonlinear optics, including new phenomena, novel devices, advanced materials and applications. Nonlinear optical phenomena play a key role in many applications of photonics. They are now studied and applied over a wide range of energies and powers, from single-photons to zettawatts and above, and over broad spectral ranges, from THz to Gamma-ray frequencies.… Read the rest

Research at ISC – Presentazione dell’Istituto al Dipartimento di Fisica della Sapienza – 25 Maggio ore 14.30

The director of the Institute of Complex Systems, Prof. Claudio Conti, will present the activities of our Institute at the Physics Department of the University of Rome.

The meeting  will be on-line  on May 25th at 14.30, more information can be found here.Read the rest

Seminar by Paola Verrucchi, Monday April 19 at 3 pm

There is only one time

We draw a picture of physical systems that allows us to recognize what “time” is by requiring consistency with the way that time enters the fundamental laws of Physics. Elements of the picture are two non-interacting and yet entangled quantum systems, one of which acting as a clock. In this setting, employing the Page and Wootters mechanism with tools from large-N quantum approaches, we show that there is not a “quantum time”, possibly opposed to a “classical” one; there is only one time, and it is a manifestation of entanglement.… Read the rest

Machine Learning Photonics Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies, machine learning techniques, and fundamental physics who will share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems and their practical applications. In the new era of artificial intelligence, algorithms and computational interfaces are broadly emerging as novel tools to do scientific research. The paradigms of machine learning also inspire interpretations and methodologies, in both theories and experiments.… Read the rest

Advances in interacting complex systems

A joint online event organized by the Department of Physics of Bar-Ilan and the CNR-Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC-CNR) as a part of project EXPLICS “Towards a physical realization of explosive phenomena in interacting complex systems”, granted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

See the Conference Website for more information.

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NetSci 2020 in Rome

The Net Sci 2020 International School and Conference on Network Science is being held online this year from September 17th to the 25th.
NetSci 2020 is the flagship conference of the Network Science Society, which aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners working in the emerging research area of network science.
Among the organizers are Guido Caldarelli and Giulio Cimini.… Read the rest

Lake Como School of Advanced Photonics

Machine Learning Photonics

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

14 – 18 September 2020

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies, machine learning techniques, and fundamental physics who will share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems and their practical applications. In the new era of artificial intelligence, algorithms and computational interfaces are broadly emerging as novel tools to do scientific research.… Read the rest

Photonic Reservoir Computing and Information Processing in Complex Network

Trento, 4-6 December 2019
Sociology Building (Aula Kessler)
via Verdi 26, Trento (Italy)
Workshop Directors
Lorenzo Pavesi (University of Trento)
Manlio De Domenico (FBK – Bruno Kessler Foundation)
Claudio Conti (Sapienza University)
For further info see web site
Wednesday 4th December

19.00 Social event at MUSE – Science Museum of Trento (www.muse.it)
Get together dinner buffet
The idea behind the workshop, L.… Read the rest

La genesi dei modelli: teoria, simulazioni e dati

25-27 Novembre 2019 Accademia dei Lincei, Roma

Sala delle Scienze Fisiche – Palazzo Corsini – via della Lungara, 10 – Roma

Nella pratica reale della ricerca scientifica si lavora, di fatto, sempre con “modelli”, termine che può essere inteso in modi anche molto diversi tra loro.

La meccanica classica e la meccanica quantistica, ad esempio, possono essere viste come modelli (in quanto buone approssimazioni di teorie ancora più generali); ma in questi casi siamo di fronte a descrizioni molto raffinate, e possiamo considerarle alla stregua di principi primi.… Read the rest

Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks – Erice School

Summer Course – Erice, July 9th – 16th 2019
International school: “Water and water systems”
2nd Course: Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks
For general information: waterschools@gmail.com

Course Description

The purpose of the course is that of giving a balanced view of fundamental topics in the realm of polymer, soft and glass materials.… Read the rest

Workshop: Monitoraggio e Manutenzione delle Aree Archeologiche

Colosseo 2019
Workshop on: Monitoraggio e manutenzione nelle aree archeologiche.
Cambiamenti climatici, dissesto idrogeologico e geomorfologico, degrado chimico ambientale
Roma, 20-21 Marzo 2019
Here are the slides by Massimo Materassi for the event.… Read the rest

Scientific perspectives of Italy-India collaborations

Venue Sala Lauree – Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome

From left to right: Dr. L. Benfatto, Prof. E. Gaudio, Dr V. Grippo, H.E. R. Sandhu, Prof. C. Spinella, Prof. P. Mataloni, Dr M. Pessina, Prof. N. Saini

On the 18th of March our Institute, in collaboration with the Physics Department of the Sapienza University and the Indian Embassy in Rome, organized a meeting o “Light and technology: the frontiers of emergent systems”.… Read the rest

International Day of Girls and Women in Science

Aula Amaldi, Edificio Marconi, Sapienza Università di Roma

Locandina evento
L’11 Febbraio è stato nominato dalle Nazioni Unite “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” con le finalità di: “…achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls”.

In questa importante occasione, il Dipartimento di Fisica della Sapienza organizza un evento rivolto alle studentesse e agli studenti, al personale docente e ricercatore, e a tutte le persone interessate con la finalità di condividere dati, evidenziare stereotipi e discutere azioni positive attraverso il confronto con altre realtà nazionali e internazionali.… Read the rest

Seminar: Non-reciprocal resonant optomechanics in semiconductor nanostructures

Friday, 5 October 2018 from 15:00 to 16:00 (Europe/Rome)
University of Rome, Sapienza
Aula Cortini Dipartimento di Fisica – Edificio E Fermi

Alexander V. Poshakinskiy
Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

In semiconductor quantum wells, photoelastic interaction is increased by several orders of magnitude at the exciton resonance frequency, making them promising for optomechanics [1]. Under resonant laser pump, the exciton-mediated stimulated Raman scattering leads to controllable sound amplification or attenuation, akin to the optomechanical heating and cooling effects.… Read the rest


International Workshop on 2D superconductivity, Rome 22 June 2018

SuperTop2018 is an international one-day workshop aimed at bringing together experts in the fields of two-dimensional superconductors, covering different topics ranging from conventional and unconventional superconductors to quasi-2D Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless physics and emergent inhomogeneity. The workshop will be held on June 22 2018 at the Department of Physics of the Sapienza University of Rome, and it is supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair (MAECI) under the joint Italia-India collaborative project SuperTop.… Read the rest

Complex Networks and Water Distribution Systems

April 19th 2018

Università della Campania “Vanvitelli”
Via Roma, 29 Aversa (CE)

“I giovedì del dottorato”, periodic meetings of the PhD School in Environment, Design and Innovation of Università della Campania “Vanvitelli”


Symposium EP07: Tailored Disorder─Novel Materials for Advanced Optics and Photonics

Hynes Convention Center (Boston, USA)
November 25-30, 2018
The MRS Fall Meeting 2018 symposium aims to create collaboration and a creative discussion among the many groups involved in the search, development and use of disorder covering all areas and disciplines from biology, physics and materials science and engineering.
(pdf)Read the rest

Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting

International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”
July 2-7, 2018


Andrea Bizzarri – INGV, Sezione di Bologna (Italy)
Shamita Das – University of Oxford (UK)
Alberto Petri – CNR-ISC, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)


Anna Maria Loguercio – CNR-ISC, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)


Physics of shallow, intermediate and deep earthquakes
Fundamental of rock mechanics
Laboratory experiments
Inferences from real data
Applications to earthquake engineering

This is not merely a school in a strict sense, but is indeed a high–level event for post–doctoral students and scientists.… Read the rest

2018 Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG)

COMPENG 2018 will focus on the latest developments in complexity science
and their application in an engineering perspective.
Authors are encouraged to submit abstract or papers on their research
considering, but not being limited to, the following topics:

– Agent-based systems
– Big Data and data-driven systems
– Bio-physics, stochastic processes and noise
– Complex Networks
– Critical Infrastructures, transportation systems, realtime management
– Dynamics in Memristor circuits
– Machine Learning
– Laser dynamics and optoelectronic systems
– Plasma control and nuclear fusion
– Control in sensor and actuator networks
– Smart grids

Keynote Speakers:

Giovanni DE NINNO (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
Nadia DOMINICI (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Philippe GHENDRIH (CEA, IRFM, France)
Antonio POLITI (University of Aberdeen, UK)

Important dates:

Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions
May 31 2018
Notification of Acceptance
June 30 2018


 … Read the rest

Ciclo di seminari: Dalla fisica della Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare alle immagini diagnostiche

Silvia Capuani (CNR ISC & NMR and Medical physics Laboratory Physics Dpt. Sapienza)
Friday, 26 January 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00 (Europe/Rome)
at Dipartimento di Fisica – Edificio G. Marconi ( Aula Conversi )
(locandina ciclo seminari)
Venerdì 26 gennaio 2018: Il segnale NMR.
Mercoledì 31 gennaio 2018: La spettroscopia NMR protonica e di eteronuclei.
Venerdì 2 febbraio: L’Imaging NMR convenzionale.… Read the rest

Workshop on Teaching and Learning Statistical Physics

April 4th-6th 2018
Consorzio del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano
Via San Donato, 21 – 53045 (Google Maps)
Montepulciano (Siena, Italy)
Organizers: Roberto Livi (University of Florence) and Paolo Politi (Institute for Complex Systems, CNR)
Scientific Secretary: Giovanna Pacini (University of Florence)
Further information: (Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (the book and beyond))… Read the rest

Talk: Miguel Alonso – November 22, 2017

Aula 6 – Edificio Fermi, Dipartimento di Fisica
The connection between rays and waves
Miguel Alonso (University Rochester)
While the ray model is outdated as a physical theory, it is still an extremely valuable conceptual and computational tool for the design and modeling of optical systems. It is therefore important to know the limits of its validity as well as its connection to the more physical wave framework.… Read the rest

Talk: Martin Weitz – November 2 2017

Aula Conversi, Dipartimento di Fisica (I piano edificio Marconi)
3pm-4pm (info)
Martin Weitz (Universität Bonn)

Bose-Einstein condensation has been observed with cold atomic gases,
exciton-polaritons, and more recently with photons in a dye-filled optical
microcavity. I will here describe recent measurements of our Bonn group
determining the heat capacity of a two-dimensional photon gas in the regime
around the Bose-Einstein phase transition.… Read the rest

Seminario: Alessandro Taloni – 15 novembre 2017

Aula Conversi, Dipartimento di Fisica (I piano edificio Marconi)
Ore: 16:00
Alessandro Taloni

Complexity models in biophysics and material science

I will review three topics of my recent activity:

  1. Fractional Langevin Equation and its application to linear stochastic models.
    The Generalized Elastic Model accounts for the dynamics of several physical systems, such as polymers, fluctuating interfaces, growing surfaces, membranes, proteins and file systems.
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Seminario: Andrea Marini – 8 novembre 2017

Aula Conversi, Dipartimento di Fisica (I piano edificio Marconi)
ore 16:00
Andrea Marini

Nanofotonica nonlineare su metalli e grafene: sfide e opportunità

La nanofotonica è la scienza che studia il confinamento della luce in regioni di spazio con dimensioni inferiori alla lunghezza d’onda. In mezzi dielettrici convenzionali questo non è possibile a causa della diffrazione, che pone il limite fisico della lunghezza d’onda come minima distanza di confinamento della luce.… Read the rest

ISC Meeting 2017

October 16th-17th 2017

Programma Meeting 2017

Soft Matter

Monday  16 October 10.00 → 12.20 (Morning)
10:00-10:20 Introduction by the Director
10.20-10.40 “In silico” synthesis of microgel particles E. Zaccarelli
10.40-11.00 Experimental behaviour of soft colloids: responsive microgels B. Ruzicka
11.00-11.40 Keynote talk
Can colloids teach us something on the anomalous
thermodynamic behaviour of supercooled water?
F. Sciortino
11.40-12.00 Flexible colloidal structures in active baths L.
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Physics of Complexity @ ISC-Sapienza

La Fisica della Complessità @ISC-Sapienza

17 Ottobre 2017, ore 16:00

Università La Sapienza,

Dipartimento di Fisica,

Aula Conversi

L’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, la cui attività si svolge da vari anni in stretta collaborazione con i ricercatori del Dipartimento di Fisica, dedica un pomeriggio tematico alla presentazione delle sue attuali linee di ricerca. Le presentazioni avranno carattere generale, sono rivolte ai colleghi di tutti gli ambiti disciplinari e agli studenti interessati a svolgere tesi in collaborazione con il personale dell’Istituto.… Read the rest

Economic Fitness: Evolving Economic Complexity for Development

See also A Better Way to Make Economic Forecasts

Il 14 settembre alla Banca Mondiale di Washington
Questo evento è totalmente dedicato ai risultati e alle prospettive della collaborazione
tra il gruppo della Sapienza (Fisica) e dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi del CNR,
coordinato dal Prof. Luciano Pietronero, con la World Bank.
Economic Fitness (EF) consiste in un nuovo paradigma sviluppato dal gruppo di
Pietronero in cui si descrivono le economie come processi evolutivi di ecosistemi di
tecnologie e infrastrutture industriali e finanziarie che sono globalmente
interconnesse.… Read the rest

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems Workshop

September 18-20, 2017
Venue University of Rome “La Sapienza” Physics Department, Marconi building I floor
A challenging frontier in statistical physics concerns systems with a small number N of degrees of freedom, far from the thermodynamic limit: such an interest is motivated by the recent increase of resolution in the observation and in the manipulation of the micro-nano world. The peculiar feature of small systems is the relevance of fluctuations, which cannot be neglected.… Read the rest

Summer School & Workshop on Data-driven methods for Multi-Scale Physics and Complex Systems

Summer School: July 24-28 at La Sapienza
Workshop: July 31-August 4 at the University Washington (Rome Center)
Further information
Physics without equations?Read the rest

ScienzEstate 2017

Eccoci giunti finalmente alla programmazione del nostro evento più atteso!

La manifestazione Scienzestate 2017 avrà luogo nella settimana dal 5 al 9 giugno 2017, con appuntamenti presso varie sedi dell’Università di Firenze!

Laboratori interattivi, giochi scientifici, visite guidate ai laboratori di ricerca e ai Centri di Eccellenza, le “passeggiate matematiche” del Prof. Conti nel Centro Storico di Firenze, spettacoli musicali e teatrali e, grande evento attesissimo, una conferenza del disegnatore di Dylan Dog Roberto Recchioni!… Read the rest


La Fisica della Complessità@ISC-Sapienza
6 Dicembre 2016, ore 16:00
Sapienza Università,
Dipartimento di Fisica,
Aula Conversi
L’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, la cui attività si svolge da vari anni in stretta collaborazione con i ricercatori del Dipartimento di Fisica, dedica un pomeriggio tematico alla presentazione delle sue attuali linee di ricerca. Le presentazioni avranno carattere generale, sono rivolte ai colleghi di tutti gli ambiti disciplinari e agli studenti interessati a svolgere tesi in collaborazione con il personale dell’Istituto.… Read the rest

ISC meeting – Diffusion Processes

An ISC-meeting on diffusion processes took place in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) on Sept. 27th and 28th.
It was the occasion to highlight the variety of ISC research fields where diffusion plays a relevant role:

If brownian motion has been a milestone to understand the atomistic nature of matter, diffusion processes are so widespread because diffusion is one of the main “way of transport”, as we learn from the kinetic theory.… Read the rest

Thematic Meeting “Materials for Energy”

Settembre 9th 2016
University of Roma “La Sapienza”
Physics Department
Aula Rasetti
ProgramRead the rest

Giornate Didattiche SISN 2016

La Società Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica (SISN) organizza le Giornate Didattiche SISN 2016.

Introduzione alle tecniche neutroniche per lo studio microscopico della materia, con applicazioni alla Fisica, Chimica, Biologia e Geologia

Le Giornate Didattiche sono indirizzate a studenti delle lauree triennali e magistrali, dottorandi e giovani ricercatori interessati ad acquisire gli elementi di base delle tecniche neutroniche. La Scuola si svolgerà in due parti, come segue.… Read the rest

International Workshop SUPERHYDRIDES

Towards Room Temperature Superconductivity:
Hydrides and More
Rome, 9-10 May, Aula Marconi, CNR Headquarters
The recent discovery of superconductivity at 200 K in sulfur hydrides under pressure opens exciting perspectives in the search for superconductivity at room temperature and room pressure. Joint cooperative efforts in this direction, experimental and theoretical, from all the scientific community, are essential and welcome.

The workshop aims to summon the widest range of the scientific community in the field and to provide a first common space for exchange and discussion for both experienced and young researchers interested in the subject.… Read the rest

Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, ECIS 2016 4-9 September 2016, Rome, Italy

The 30th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS 2016) will be held from 4th to 9th September 2016, in the campus of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The aim of the conference is to bring together experts from the interdisciplinary field of colloidal and interface science. ECIS 2016 covers fundamental and applied advances in the fields of Interfaces, dispersed systems, complex fluids, micro- and nano-engineered materials and devices formed by naturally occurring or synthesized elements: surfactants, polymers, proteins, particles.… Read the rest

Workshop: Tinkering with Android

CNR ISC – Via Taurini 19
Jan 12th-15th 2016

As part of the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro program in which Junior High School students are given work experience, a 4 day workshop on Android programming was held involving around 50 students working in groups in the library at Via Taurini. Eleven PC kindly lent by the CNR Servizi di Reti where turned into diskless kubuntu workstations set up around CNR-IASI servers.… Read the rest

2nd International Workshop on Brillouin Scattering

University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Physics Department Feb. 3rd – 5th 2016
The general subjects to be discussed during the three days are:

  • THz excitations in disordered condensed matter and in biological and magnetic systems
  • Neutron and photon inelastic scattering at low Q
  • Simulation and Modelling
  • Instrumentation
  • Perspectives in Brillouin scattering

Please visit http://brillouin2016.iom.cnr.it for info and registration.… Read the rest

Presentazione @Sapienza – 1 Dicembre 2015

Martedì 1 Dicembre ore 14:00
Università di Roma La Sapienza – Dipartimento di Fisica
Aula Amaldi – Edificio Marconi 1° piano
ISC presentation booklet Nov 2015 (pdf)

14:00-14:15 Claudio Conti, introduzione

14:15-15:45 Presentazioni

Silvia Capuani: Misura del grado di disordine e della complessità strutturale con metodi NMR di diffusione anomala.

Claudio Castellano: Processi epidemici su reti complesse

Valentina Mussi: Spettroscopia e mappatura raman per la bioanalitica e la diagnostica

Massimo Materassi: Formalismo metriplettico e algebrizzazione di sistemi non-Hamiltoniani

Silvia Gentilini: Fotonica nei sistemi complessi

Matthieu Cristelli: La complessità oltre le scienze naturali: network, finanza, economia.Read the rest

GROWTHCOM Project Summer School

Lipari (September 6-12, 2015)
GROWTHCOM Project Summer School: Socio-Economic Complex Systems
Target audience: PhD students, postdocs, young and senior researchers interested in Socio-Economic Complex Systems.
The deadline for application is July 20, 2015. The official language is English.

The school is organized within the Project Growthcom “Growth and Innovation Policy-Modelling: Applying next Generation Tools, Data and Economic Complexity Ideas” financed by the European Commission within the FP7 Framework Programme.… Read the rest

10th SICC International Tutorial Workshop on “Topics in nonlinear dynamics”

Turin, Italy September 7th-9th, 2015
Nonlinear Dynamics in Computational Neuroscience: from Physics and Biology to ICT
Fernando Corinto (Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy) and
Alessandro Torcini (ISC-CNR, Florence, Italy)… Read the rest

Brownian motion: Presentation at Physics library (Sapienza)

Thursday, March 19th 2015
The past, present & future of Brownian motion presented by
Andrea Puglisi and others at the Biblioteca di Fisica
Università di Roma, La Sapienza.… Read the rest

Biophysics@Rome 2015

Second Edition of the Biophysics@Rome Conference
with an opening dedicated to “light themes”
underlining the role of advanced optical techniques in
biophysics, bio-analytics and biomedicine.
May 28th & 29th 2015
CNR, Area della Ricerca di Tor Vergata
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100
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Workshop “Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi” Oct 27



Inizio 9:30

10:00 Luciano Pietronero, Dove va la complessità
10:20 Stefano Ruffo, Fisica delle interazioni a lungo raggio
10:40 Angelo Vulpiani, Leggi senza leggi: “solo” teoremi limite?
11:30 Francesco Sciortino, Gel di equilibrio e liquidi ultrastabili: fisica interessante con la materia soffice
11:50 Fabio Sciarrino, Complessità quantistica e campionamento bosonico
12:10 Francesco Sylos Labini, Il tramonto della ricerca italiana?Read the rest