Photonic Reservoir Computing and Information Processing in Complex Network
Trento, 4-6 December 2019
Sociology Building (Aula Kessler)
via Verdi 26, Trento (Italy)
Workshop Directors
Lorenzo Pavesi (University of Trento)
Manlio De Domenico (FBK – Bruno Kessler Foundation)
Claudio Conti (Sapienza University)
For further info see web site
Wednesday 4th December
19.00 Social event at MUSE – Science Museum of Trento (
Get together dinner buffet
The idea behind the workshop, L. Pavesi
Prospects for AI Discovery in Physics and Engineering, J. Nathan Kutz
Poster presentations about ERC-AdG BACKUP, ERC-StG VARIAMOLS and PRIN-2017 PELM
Thursday 5th December
8.30 Arrive
8.50 Welcome address, Lorenzo Pavesi
9.00 Photonic Reservoir Computing,Serge Massar
9.30 Optical reservoir computing and Ising machines implemented with delayed feedback systems,Guy Van Der Sande
10.00 Photonic reservoir computing and its application to optical communications, Ingo Fischer
10.30 Optimizing reservoir computing performance of laser networks with delay, Kathy Lüdge
11.30 Deep Reservoir Computing,Claudio Gallicchio
12.00 Photonic Reservoir Computing, Miguel Soriano
12.30 Photonic Reservoir Computing in Silicon Photonics,Peter Bienstman
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Variable resolution models for multi-scale simulations of complex biomolecules, Raffaello Potestio
15.00 Neurosensory network functionality and computing for data-driven control, Nathan Kutz
15.30 Spatial Ising machines and reservoir computing with biomatter, Claudio Conti
16.00 Method to obtain neuromorphic reservoir networks from images of in vitro cortical networks, Gustavo Moreno e Mello
17.00 Information processing in complex networked systems: an overview, Manlio De Domenico
17.30 Photonics for neural networks and evolutionary boolean learning, Daniel Brunner
18.00 RUMP SESSION: Complex networks meet photonics (Potestio, Massar, Soriano)
20.00 Social Dinner at the “Alla Grotta” Restaurant (Vicolo San Marco 6, Trento)
Friday 6 th December
9.00 The EU NeoTeRIC Project: merging integrated photonics and deep learning, Jose Capmany
9.30 Neuromorphic computing using Photonic Integrated Circuits, Nikos Pleros
10.00 The Impact of Noise on the Performance of Integrated Photonic Reservoir Computing Systems, Pascal Stark
10.30 Neural Networks on Chip through InP Photonic Integrated Cross-Connects, Patty Stabile
11.30 Multiple Light Scattering for Optical Reservoir Computing and chaotic systems prediction, Jonathan Dong
12.00 RUMP SESSION: The killer application for photonic reservoir computing (Bienstman, Brunner, Fischer)
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Multi-mode lasers as potential machines for reservoir computing of enhanced power, Adonis Bogris
15.00 The use of Side Coupled Resonators in neuromorphic photonics, Mattia Mancinelli
15.30 Machine learning ultra-flat optics with 99% experimental efficiency for vectorial light control, Andrea Fratalocchi
16.00 Passive Photonic Components as Building Blocks for Ultra-Fast Reservoir Computing, Charis Mesaritakis
17.00 Neural Network based Hybrid Optical-Digital Equalization for Short-reach Transmission, Francesco Da Ros
17.30 Reservoir Computing for Structured Domains,Alessio Micheli
18.00 Photonic Neuromorphic Computing: Towards All-Optical Computing, Lorenzo De Marinis
Note 30’ slot per presentation (20’ talk and 10’ discussion)