Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks – Erice School

Summer Course – Erice, July 9th – 16th 2019
International school: “Water and water systems”
2nd Course: Polymers and Soft Materials: Glasses, Gels and Networks
For general information: waterschools@gmail.com

Course Description

The purpose of the course is that of giving a balanced view of fundamental topics in the realm of polymer, soft and glass materials. Dynamical behavior and thermodynamics of these systems will be addressed spanning from basic to advanced aspects. The course will consist of comprehensive lectures by leading experts in the Soft Matter field. In addition, the program will include specialized seminars by invited speakers. Subjects of lectures and seminars will include polymeric and biopolymeric systems, soft glassy materials like microgels and water colloidal suspensions, nanoconfined and glassy systems, covering a broad spectrum of experimental, numerical and theoretical approaches. The Course is mainly directed at graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and research institutions. Overall, the Course will provide a broad overview of the field, including the most recent ideas in theory and experiment, as well as a critical discussion of the problems that are currently attracting the attention of the researchers. By gathering participants with different specialized backgrounds the course also aims at cross-fertilization of ideas that could advance the state of the field. The course will include advanced scientific discussions and lectures on the theory, simulations and experiments devoted to understanding soft materials, polymers and glasses.