Replica Symmetry Breaking Maps in Random Laser, ACS Photonics (2021)
ISC Researchers build for the first time replica symmetry breaking maps to visualize Random Laser activity on ACS Photonics 2021
In the past decade, complex networks of light emitters are proposed as novel platforms for photonic circuits and lab-on-chip active devices. Lasing networks made by connected multiple gain components and graphs of nanoscale random lasers (RLs) obtained from complex meshes of polymeric nanofibers are successful prototypes. However, in the reported research, mainly collective emission from a whole network of resonators is investigated, and only in a few cases, the emission from single points showing, although homogeneous and broad, spatial emission. In all cases, simultaneous activation of the miniaturized lasers are observed. Here, differently, we realize heterogeneous random lasers made of ribbon-like and highly porous fibers with evident RL action from separated micrometric domains that alternatively switch on and off by tuning the pumping light intensity. We visualize this novel effect by building for the first time replica symmetry breaking (RSB) maps of the emitting fibers with 2 μm spatial resolution. In addition, we calculate the spatial correlations of the laser regions showing clearly an average extension of 50 μm. The observed blinking effect is due to mode interaction along light guiding fibers and opens new avenues in the fabrication of flexible photonic networks with specific and adaptable activity.