Alessandro Torcini
Primo Ricercatore
- +39 055 5226670
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Alessandro Torcini (AT) coordinates the research group on Nonlinear Dynamics and the Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience at Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC-CNR) in Florence (Italy) as well as the Joint Italian-Israeli Laboratory in Neuroscience involving Tel Aviv University and ISC-CNR.
AT is the local PI for the EU-FP7 ITN project Neural Engineering Transformative Technology (NETT) (2012-2016), involving 18 universities, research institutes and companies all over Europe.
AT obtained the MSc (1990) and the PhD (1994) titles in Theoretical Physics at the University of Florence.
He received postdoctoral training at Wuppertal (Germany), Marseille (France), Florence and Rome and he has been visiting professor in Marseille, Berlin, Aarhus (DK) etc. Since 2004 he is researcher at the ISC-CNR, where he pursues his research activity on nonlinear dynamics of complex systems and on biologically inspired models of proteins and neuronal systems. He has been appointed by the American Physical Society Outstanding Referee in 2008 and Member of the Editorial Board of Physical Review E in 2013.
He has published more than 100 scientific papers on the dynamics of complex and bio-inspired systems.
AT has co-organized 16 workshop and conferences during his activity and within the last 10 year 7 devoted to neuroscience.