2018 Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG)

COMPENG 2018 will focus on the latest developments in complexity science
and their application in an engineering perspective.
Authors are encouraged to submit abstract or papers on their research
considering, but not being limited to, the following topics:

– Agent-based systems
– Big Data and data-driven systems
– Bio-physics, stochastic processes and noise
– Complex Networks
– Critical Infrastructures, transportation systems, realtime management
– Dynamics in Memristor circuits
– Machine Learning
– Laser dynamics and optoelectronic systems
– Plasma control and nuclear fusion
– Control in sensor and actuator networks
– Smart grids

Keynote Speakers:

Giovanni DE NINNO (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
Nadia DOMINICI (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Philippe GHENDRIH (CEA, IRFM, France)
Antonio POLITI (University of Aberdeen, UK)

Important dates:

Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions
May 31 2018
Notification of Acceptance
June 30 2018


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Andrea Cavagna wins ERC Advanced Grant

Congratulations to Andrea Cavagna for winning an ERC Advanced Grant (panel PE2) with the project:
Renormalization group approach to the collective behaviour of strongly correlated biological systems (RG.BIO)

Biological systems displaying collective behaviour are characterized by strong spatio-temporal correlations, which partly transcend the multiform diversity of their microscopic details, much as it happens in statistical physics systems close to a critical point.… Read the rest