
Tensorial Flow of Mosaic Vector Beams in Physical Review Letters

ISC researcher Davide Pierangeli coauthored an insghtful experimental…
June 26, 2024/by francisf

Time as an illusion created by entanglement in Physical Review A featured in WIRED

ISC researchers Alessandro Coppo and Paola Verrucchi, in collaboration…
June 11, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

In the News: il Sole 24 ore reports on Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord

Silvia Capuani's project Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization…
May 3, 2024/by francisf

Optimal Quantum Key Distribution Networks in npj Quantum information

ISC researchers C. Castellano, V.Brosco and L. Pilozzi coauthored…
May 1, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

Quantum Communication and Sensing in the Microwave Regime

Roberto Di Candia (Aalto University) and Simone Felicetti (ISC-CNR)…
April 4, 2024/by simone felicetti

Superradiant Thomson scattering from graphite in the extreme ultraviolet on PNAS

ISC researcher Claudia Fasolato coauthored a research paper,…
February 26, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials

The 6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials…
January 24, 2024/by francisf

ERC Proof-of-Concept grant awarded to E. Zaccarelli and S. Sennato

Two ISC researchers supported to turn their science…
January 22, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

Long-Lived Higgs Modes in Strongly Correlated Condensates in Physical Review Letters

ISC-Director José Lorenzana  has recently collaborated on a…
January 22, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

Superconducting Qubit Based on Twisted Cuprate Van der Waals Heterostructures in Physical Review Letters

ISC researcher Valentina Brosco coauthored an interesting research…
January 9, 2024/by Valentina Brosco

Toward a Unified Description of the Electrostatic Assembly of Microgels and Nanoparticles in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

ISC researchers  F. Brasili, S. Sennato and E. Zaccarelli coauthored…
December 14, 2023/by Valentina Brosco

Optimal tracking strategies in a turbulent flow in Communication Physics

ISC researcher, M. Cencini  coauthored  an interesting work…
December 12, 2023/by Valentina Brosco