First School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics starts on August 29 2022 @ IMT Lucca
Summer school of statistical physics @ IMT Lucca: ISC researchers among the organizers and speakers!
The first edition of the School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (Società Italiana di Fisica Statistica, SIFS) will be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy.
The school will offer intensive two-weeks courses with follow up meetings. It will be structured into two long courses, four short courses and tutoring activities. The two main courses will be held by Roberto Benzi (Hydrodynamics and Turbulence) and Alessandro Sarracino (Stochastic Thermodynamics). The four seminar courses will be held by Franco Bagnoli (Computational Lab), Diego Garlaschelli (Statistical Physics of Networks), Andrea Puglisi (Granular materials) and Luca Salasnich (Quantum Statistical Physics with cold atoms).
More information on the website of the School.