SIF Prize “Sergio Panizza e Gabriele Galimberti” to D. Pierangeli
The prize Sergio Panizza e Gabriele Galimberti from the Italian Physical Society (SIF) was awarded to Dr.Davide Pierangeli, researcher in our Institute, “for his groudbreaking experimental work in the field of non-linear photonics. Among D. Pierangeli’s works, of particular relevance is the first observation of the breaking of replica symmetry in disordered photorefractive media.”
The original work D. Pierangeli, A. Tavani, F. Di Mei, A.J. Agranat, C. Conti and E. DelRe, Observation of replica symmetry breaking in disordered nonlinear wave propagation, Nature Communication 8, 1501 (2017) is part of the Nobel Collection “Nobel Prize in Physics 2021” edited by Nature and it is currently available Open Access.
A simplified discussion of the relevance of the experiments can be found here.