Talk by Giuseppe Pucci Sept. 29 at 12 in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

On septembre 29th, our colleague and friend Dr. Giuseppe Pucci from CNR-Nanotec (Calabria), is going to give a talk in Aula 2, Edificio Fermi of the Physics Department of La Sapienza, Roma.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


I review the potential and limitations as quantum analog and active systems of particles driven by self-generated waves at a fluid interface. Two experimental systems will be reviewed: walking droplets and capillary surfers. Walking droplets exhibit a number of quantum analogs and collective dynamics, including wavelike statistics in cavities, orbital quantization and spin lattices. Capillary surfers hold promise as a new platform for quantum analogs and for bridging the gap between dissipation- and inertia-dominated active systems.