QUANCOM project launched!
ISC researchers, C. Conti, L. Pilozzi and V. Brosco, participate in the new PON project QUANCOM.
Security technologies in both the network transmission layers and in the application layers are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated but, nevertheless these efforts, they are not completely immune to attacks. In fact, even the computing power (parallel and distributed thanks to the network resource) is increasing and available to organizations that, for various purposes, have interests in appropriating of sensitive data.
The QUANCOM Project aims to overcome completely the impasse between attack and defence by proposing a coordinate action for the development and the field trail of an unconditional secure network build around a quantum cryptographic core. Quantum cryptography was invented more than 30 year ago and since then was been experimented in many lab experiments and prototype brass-boards. It is intrinsically secure and resists to whatever attack because based on the quantum bits (qu-bit) transmission which allows to transport secure key between the transmitter and the receiver (quantum distribution key, QKD).
ISC researchers will work on the design, optimization and modellization of network properties.