
Nature Communications: Stochastic sampling effects favor manual over digital contact tracing

ISC researcher Claudio Castellano and collaborators unveil the roles of contact tracing procedures in mitigating COVID-19 pandemic, now published in Nature Communications, see M. Mancasroppa, C. Castellano, A. Vezzani and R. Burioni, Stochastic sampling effects favor manual over digital contact tracing, Nature Communications 12, 1919 (2021).



Isolation of symptomatic individuals, tracing and testing of their nonsymptomatic contacts are fundamental strategies for mitigating the current COVID-19 pandemic.… Read the rest

PRX: Relating Topological Determinants of Complex Networks to Their Spectral Properties: Structural and Dynamical Effects

Claudio Castellano has published Relating Topological Determinants of Complex Networks to Their Spectral Properties: Structural and Dynamical Effects in Physical Review X.

In many social and biological systems, the pattern of interactions is described by complex networks—mathematical constructions composed of points (vertices) representing individuals, joined by lines (edges), standing for pairwise interactions between them. These structures are important because they affect the behavior of the dynamical processes they mediate.… Read the rest


DRUST collaborative research project (CRP)

Founding Body: European Science Foundation
Total grant: € k
Principal Investigator: Guenther Knoblich
Other participants: Claudio Castellano
Project duration: 2012-2014
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Statistical physics modeling of social dynamics

In recent years it has become widely recognized that many large-scale phenomena observed in social systems are the “macroscopic” complex effect of the “microscopic” simple behavior of a large number of interacting agents. This has led social scientists to the introduction of elementary models of social behavior (cellular automata, agent-based models). Many of these models are somehow relatives of models that have been introduced in modern traditional statistical physics, and it is natural to approach them using the same concepts and tools that have been successfully applied in physics.… Read the rest

Regularities and universality in large-scale social phenomena

In social phenomena every individual interacts with a limited number of peers, usually negligible as compared with the total number of people in the system. In spite of that, human societies are characterized by stunning global regularities. There are transitions from disorder to order, like the spontaneous emergence of a common language/culture or the creation of consensus about a specific topic.… Read the rest

Dynamical Processes on Networks

During the last decade it has become clear that the topology in many systems, ranging from technological to social to biological, is not well described by regular lattices nor by random graphs. Complex networks, characterized by small-world effects, large connectivity fluctuations, clustering, correlations and other nontrivial features are often a better description of many natural and man-made systems. Since many of such networks describe the topological patterns that mediate various sorts of interactions among nodes, it is natural and interesting to wonder what is the effect of complex topologies on dynamical processes taking place on them.… Read the rest