

Generalized Uncertainty Principle and the Photons

Founding Body: Templeton Foundation
Total grant: € 188k
Principal Investigator: Claudio Conti
Other participants:
Project duration: 2016-2018
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Versatile optomechANical GRaphene Device for bio-tissue engineering

Founding Body: European Research Council – ERC-POC – Proof of Concept Grant
Total grant: € 150k
Principal Investigator: Claudio Conti
Other participants:
Project duration: 2015-2016
Website: cordis
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Random Lasers

In a nutshell, a random laser is the coherent emission from active stochastic resonators.

In a series of articles around 1966, a Russian scientist V. S. Letokhov, of the Lebedev Physics Institute in Dubna considered the generation of light in the interstellar medium. In the presence of scatterers, as for example dust particles, photons diffuse like neutrons and, if some mechanism (following Letokhov a “negative absorption”) is able to increase their number, a sort of photonic reactor can be realized.… Read the rest