Tensorial Flow of Mosaic Vector Beams in Physical Review Letters

ISC researcher Davide Pierangeli coauthored an insghtful experimental work now published in Physical Review Letters, Measuring the Tensorial Flow of Mosaic Vector Beams in Disordered Media, D. Pierangeli, A. Aiello, and C. Conti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 243801 (2024).


Optical beams with nonuniform polarization offer enhanced capabilities for information transmission, boasting increased capacity, security, and resilience. These beams possess vectorial features that are spatially organized within localized three-dimensional regions, forming tensors that can be harnessed across a spectrum of applications spanning quantum physics, imaging, and machine learning.

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Laser Printing

By exploiting the mechanism of supercavitation we are able to realize laser-induced multi-scale structure on the surface of graphene oxide (GO) based polymeric matrices. The objective of this activity is twofold. From a fundamental point of view, we want to investigate the role of a multi-scale topological structure on the mechanism ruling the growth of microorganisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to human stem cells.… Read the rest

Anderson localization

We have numerically studied the Anderson localization (AL) in 3D disordered systems, where its experimental demonstration is particularly tricky because of the restrictive Ioffe-Regel criterion. We employ an ab initio approach by using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) code in order to simulate a time-of-flight experiment to demonstrate the optical AL in micron-sized samples.

We also used the FDTD code to investigate the effect of disorder on the optomechanical forces.… Read the rest

COBBS – Non-biting Midge Experiment

Our search for midge swarms has taken us to many of the public parks within Rome including Riserva Naturale Valle dell’Aniene, Villa Paganini, Villa Torlonia, Parco dell’Acquedotto, Villa Ada, Laghetto dell’EUR and Ponte Tazio. Basically any place with an aquatic or semiaquatic habitat (the larval stage requires water for development) is where midges can be found. Our experimental setup is similar to that of the flocking experiment except that our baseline distance shrinks from 25 m down to approximately 5 – 8 m (depending on our distance to the swarm).… Read the rest