Presentation of new book – Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Conservation

Friday May 17th at 17:00
Sala Maestra
Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia

Presentation of Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and ConservationThe Collection of Chigi Palace in Ariccia, Italy (Springer 2024)
Edited by Sofia Ceccarelli, Roberta Fantoni, and Mauro Missori showcasing scientific results at Palazzo Chigi (Ariccia, Rome) from the ADAMO project (Analysis, Diagnostics, and Monitoring), funded by the Lazio Region, as part of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District for Cultural Heritage of Lazio (DTC).… Read the rest

Seminar by W. Górecki, May 10 at 14:00 in Sala Lauree

Speaker  Dr. Wojciech Górecki, INFN Sez. Pavia

Title  Quantum metrology of noisy boson systems


We present a general recipe for deriving bounds on the precision metrology of noisy boson channels, treating both energy and total time as resources. We apply it to a series of examples with both Hamiltonian parameter estimation (frequency, displacement, squeezing) and noise parameter estimation (damping constants and temperature), explaining the relationship between different models in a common framework.… Read the rest

In the News: il Sole 24 ore reports on Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord

Silvia Capuani‘s project Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord is reported in il Sole 24 ore.… Read the rest

Optimal Quantum Key Distribution Networks in npj Quantum information

ISC researchers C. Castellano, V.Brosco and L. Pilozzi coauthored an interesting work published in npj quantum information.

Optimal quantum key distribution networks: capacitance versus security

L. Cirigliano, V.Brosco, C. Castellano, C. Conti, L. Pilozzi,  npj Quantum Information 10, 44 (2024)


The rate and security of quantum communications between users placed at arbitrary points of a quantum communication network depend on the structure of the network, on its extension and on the nature of the communication channels.

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