Archive for year: 2024
Neutral and Charged Microgel Suspensions in Physical Review X
ISC researcher Emanuela Zaccarelli coauthored an interesting work recently appeared in Physical Review X
Giovanni Del Monte and Emanuela Zaccarelli, Numerical Study of Neutral and Charged Microgel Suspensions: From Single-Particle to Collective Behavior, Phys. Rev. X 14, 041067 – Published 18 December, 2024
Numerical Study of Neutral and Charged Microgel Suspensions: From Single-Particle to Collective Behavior
… Read the restWe perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of an ensemble of realistic microgel particles in swollen conditions in a wide range of packing fractions .
Un segno contro la violenza di genere – 26 novembre ore 13.00
… Read the restNel Novembre dello scorso anno ci siamo incontrate e incontrati per ricordare insieme, rumorosamente, il femminicidio di Giulia Cecchettin. L’iniziativa è nata spontaneamente per rispondere allo smarrimento di tante di noi, toccate dalla vicinanza dell’esperienza di Giulia, studentessa universitaria (peraltro, in ambito scientifico) come noi siamo state o siamo. È servita però anche ad aprire una discussione sul tema della violenza di genere all’interno agli spazi che viviamo quotidianamente, come lavoratrici e studentesse del dipartimento e degli enti di ricerca che vi sono ospitati.
Canale Acquisti ISC – CNR Teams
E’ stato creato su Teams il canale Acquisti ISC all’interno del Team ISC-Ricercatori.
Troverete all’interno del canale Acquisti ISC Sezione File:
– la lista excel degli ordini di acquisto presi in carico e in gestione;
– l’ultima versione del modello Richiesta di Acquisto;
– la procedura Affidamento diretto beni e servizi < 140keuro (NON PNRR)
In caso di domande di comune utilità potete inserire dei post nel canale.
Inoltre è attiva la casella di posta elettronica:
alla quale inviare le richieste di acquisto.… Read the rest
ERC Starting grant to Claudia Fasolato for the project “CHIROLE”
ISC researcher Claudia Fasolato was awarded with the prestigious ERC Starting grant from the European Community. The CHIROLE project aims at exploring “the quantum role of chirality in biology by all optical experiments”. It will last 5 years with a 1.5 M€ funding.
Chirality is the lack of mirror symmetry, and it is a widespread property in biological systems, from atomic arrangements in molecules (e.g.… Read the rest
Evento Notte della Scienza: Mettiamo le carte sul tavolo…della Scienza!
Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delle Ricercatrici
Mettiamo le carte sul tavolo…della Scienza!
26 settembre, 2024
Sala Maestra, Palazzo Chigi
Piazza di Corte 14 – Ariccia (RM) Italia
Sui supporti cartacei è scritta la nostra cultura. La carta antica, nonostante la sua fragilità apparente, è più longeva dei moderni concorrenti: un DVD dura 30 anni, un microfilm 100 anni, mentre la carta del Rinascimento può durare fino a 1000 anni.… Read the rest
L’intelligenza Artificiale Nella Diagnostica Medica A Bordo Di Navi Passeggeri – XI Congresso Annuale Internazionale Di Sanità Marittima
Il 20 settembre 2024 nell’Aula Magna di Clinica Oculistica di Sapienza Università di Roma
via Giovanni Maria Lancisi, 2 – 00161 Roma
Si terrà il XI Congresso Annuale Internazionale Di Sanità Marittima sulla tematica:
L’intelligenza Artificiale Nella Diagnostica Medica A Bordo Di Navi Passeggeri
Presidente: Prof. Mauro SALDUCCI
Coordinatore scientifico: Prof. Domenico ALVARO
ISC interviene con un contributo di Francis Allen Farrelly presentando “Prospettive future del Machine Learning nella diagnostica medica”
Per le modalità di iscrizione dei partecipanti:
Coloro che vorranno frequentare l’evento proposto dalla S.V.… Read the rest
Tensorial Flow of Mosaic Vector Beams in Physical Review Letters
ISC researcher Davide Pierangeli coauthored an insghtful experimental work now published in Physical Review Letters, Measuring the Tensorial Flow of Mosaic Vector Beams in Disordered Media, D. Pierangeli, A. Aiello, and C. Conti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 243801 (2024).
… Read the restOptical beams with nonuniform polarization offer enhanced capabilities for information transmission, boasting increased capacity, security, and resilience. These beams possess vectorial features that are spatially organized within localized three-dimensional regions, forming tensors that can be harnessed across a spectrum of applications spanning quantum physics, imaging, and machine learning.
Time as an illusion created by entanglement in Physical Review A featured in WIRED
ISC researchers Alessandro Coppo and Paola Verrucchi, in collaboration with Prof. A. Cuccoli from the University of Florence, have published an intriguing study in Physical Review A. The work has garnered attention from prominent publications such as New Scientist and Wired.
They consider a simple and physically relevant example where the time evolution of a system can be determined by the entanglement with its clock.… Read the rest
Presentation of new book – Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Conservation
Friday May 17th at 17:00
Sala Maestra
Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia
Presentation of Advanced Technologies for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Conservation – The Collection of Chigi Palace in Ariccia, Italy (Springer 2024)
Edited by Sofia Ceccarelli, Roberta Fantoni, and Mauro Missori showcasing scientific results at Palazzo Chigi (Ariccia, Rome) from the ADAMO project (Analysis, Diagnostics, and Monitoring), funded by the Lazio Region, as part of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District for Cultural Heritage of Lazio (DTC).… Read the rest
Seminar by W. Górecki, May 10 at 14:00 in Sala Lauree
Speaker Dr. Wojciech Górecki, INFN Sez. Pavia
Title Quantum metrology of noisy boson systems
We present a general recipe for deriving bounds on the precision metrology of noisy boson channels, treating both energy and total time as resources. We apply it to a series of examples with both Hamiltonian parameter estimation (frequency, displacement, squeezing) and noise parameter estimation (damping constants and temperature), explaining the relationship between different models in a common framework.… Read the rest
In the News: il Sole 24 ore reports on Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord
Silvia Capuani‘s project Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord is reported in il Sole 24 ore.… Read the rest
Optimal Quantum Key Distribution Networks in npj Quantum information
ISC researchers C. Castellano, V.Brosco and L. Pilozzi coauthored an interesting work published in npj quantum information.
Optimal quantum key distribution networks: capacitance versus security
L. Cirigliano, V.Brosco, C. Castellano, C. Conti, L. Pilozzi, npj Quantum Information 10, 44 (2024)
The rate and security of quantum communications between users placed at arbitrary points of a quantum communication network depend on the structure of the network, on its extension and on the nature of the communication channels.
Meeting ISC-NPU
On April 24 ISC researchers will meet researchers from the Chinese Northwestern Polytechnical University at the ISC headquarter in Via dei Taurini, 19. Below you can find the final program of the meeting
Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord
Multiparametric MR imaging for the characterization of microstructural damage in the human spinal cord
Founding Body: | Ministry of Health – NextGenerationEU: PNRR M6/C2 2023 |
Total grant: | € 1M * |
Principal Investigators: | Silvia Capuani CNR-ISC (PI) and Michela Fratini of the CNR NANOTEC (Co. PI) |
Other participants: | |
Project duration: | 2024-2026 |
Website: |
Quantum Communication and Sensing in the Microwave Regime
Roberto Di Candia (Aalto University) and Simone Felicetti (ISC-CNR) are guest editors of a Focus Collection on Communication Physics:
Interest in using microwave modes for quantum communication and sensing is surging, driven by their potential applications ranging from fundamental physics to practical use in both quantum and classical technologies.
In basic science, microwave quantum-limited detectors, such as efficient photocounters, are key elements for dark matter search and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics.… Read the rest
Seminar by S. De Palo, April 4th at 15.00
Title: Quasi-one dimensional dipolar bosonic systems: from gas to droplet formation
Speaker: Stefania De Palo, Researcher, IOM-CNR
Date & Room: April 4th, h. 15.00 -Sala lauree
We study a tightly trapped one-dimensional dipolar gas of bosonic atoms for which we derive the equation of state using a variational approximation based on the Lieb-Liniger gas Bethe ansatz wave function. We test our results by computing the breathing mode after solving the stationary generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, finding very good agreement with experiments.… Read the rest
Seminar by M. Brunelli, April 8 at 15:00
Speaker Dr. Matteo Brunelli, research fellow at University of Basel
Title Non-Hermitian topological amplification
Non-Hermitian (NH) Hamiltonians enable novel topological phases of matter, characterized by unique kinds of degeneracies and extreme sensitivity to changes of boundary conditions—the so-called NH skin effect. Many aspects of NH topological phases are not yet fully understood. As an example, the NH skin effect blurs the separation between edge and bulk states, which determines the breakdown of the bulk-boundary correspondence.… Read the rest
Job Placement Student Meeting CNR @ Dep. Physics Sapienza
ISC researcher Barbara Ruzicka presents ISC activities in a meeting with students at the Department of Physics of Sapienza, 14 March 2024.
… Read the rest
Superradiant Thomson scattering from graphite in the extreme ultraviolet on PNAS
ISC researcher Claudia Fasolato coauthored a research paper, recently published on PNAS, based on experimental work carried out at the free electron laser FERMI, at Elettra Synchrotron, in Trieste. See Superradiant Thomson scattering from graphite in the extreme ultraviolet C. Fasolato, E. Stellino, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(4), e2221293121 (2024).
Radiation-matter interaction is typically understood through low order perturbation theory, yet this framework falters in exotic environments, such as pulsars, where radiation exists in coherent states with large occupation numbers.… Read the rest
She Rocks Science! on February 12 2024 @ Sapienza
12 Febbraio 2024 – She Rocks Science! – Evento in occasione dell’International Day of Girls and Women in Science
In occasione della giornata internazionale delle donne nella scienza, che si celebra tutti gli anni l’11 Febbraio, il Dipartimento di Fisica, in collaborazione con gli Enti di ricerca attivi nel dipartimento (CNR, INFN, INAF, IIT), organizza un evento di formazione, divulgazione e networking aperto al corpo docente e studentesco.L’evento… Read the rest
6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials
The 6th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials organized by Elettra – Trieste (Silvano Lizzit) and ISC (Rosanna Larciprete) will be held in Trieste (Italy) from the 14th to 18th of May 2024.… Read the rest
ERC Proof-of-Concept grant awarded to E. Zaccarelli and S. Sennato
Two ISC researchers supported to turn their science into practice.
ISC researchers, E. Zaccarelli, S. Sennato in collaboration with I. Viola from CNR – NANOTEC won the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant with their project Microgel-nanoparticles colorimetric sensor for pesticide detection. This financial support will enable them to translate their pioneering research into tangible innovations.
More information can be found here.
Long-Lived Higgs Modes in Strongly Correlated Condensates in Physical Review Letters
ISC-Director José Lorenzana has recently collaborated on a compelling research work that appeared in Physical Review Letters. J. Lorenzana and G. Seibold, Long-Lived Higgs Modes in Strongly Correlated Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 026501 (2024).
Condensed matter physics and high-energy physics has cross fertilizing each other for decades. One paradigmatic example is superconductivity, where Anderson’s mechanism giving mass to the Goldstone mode in a superconductor was taken by Higgs to explain mass generation in the
Standard model of elementary particles.… Read the rest
Superconducting Qubit Based on Twisted Cuprate Van der Waals Heterostructures in Physical Review Letters
ISC researcher Valentina Brosco coauthored an interesting research proposing a novel superconduting qubit desigm. The work has been selected for an Editor’s Suggestion in Physical Review Letters, see Superconducting Qubit Based on Twisted Cuprate Van der Waals Heterostructures V. Brosco, G. Serpico, V. Vinokur, N. Poccia and U. Vool, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 017003 (2024).
… Read the restAbstract
Van-der-Waals assembly enables the fabrication of novel Josephson junctions featuring an atomically sharp interface between two exfoliated and relatively twisted Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (Bi2212) flakes.