Massimo Cencini

Primo Ricercatore

keywords: Dynamical Systems; Turbulence and turbulent transport; Population dynamics


  • 2019-present Senior researcher (Primo Ricercatore) CNR-ISC
  • 2008-2019 Researcher ISC
  • 2003-2008 Fixed term Researcher (with Tenure Track from 2004) at INFM-SMC “Statistical Mechanics and Complexity”
  • 2002-2003 Post-doc Laboratorio Cassini CNRS, Nice (France)
  • 2000-2001 Research grant at Department of Physics of University "Sapienza" Rome
  • 1999-2000 Post-doc (visiting scientist) at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
  • 1996-1999 PhD in Physics at Department of Physics of University “Sapienza” Rome

Research interests:

  • Dynamical systems: characterization of predictability ad complexity in chaotic systems,
    high dimensional chaotic systems, chaotic synchronization
  • Turbulence systems: statistical theories of both two-dimensional and three dimensional
    turbulence, Lagrangian turbulence, multifractal model of turbulence, reduced models for
    energy cascade
  • Turbulent transport: transport of fields and particles in fluid turbulence, inertial particles,
    active and passive scalar turbulence, transport of microorganisms in fluid flows
  • Application of machine learning tools to chaotic and turbulent systems (recent interest)
  • Population dynamics: neutral theory of biodiversity

For publications see my google scholar and my publons profiles