In ricordo di Giulia Cecchettin

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Là fuori. Festival della scienza e arte. Roma, 17-21 Giugno 2023

Claudia Fasolato, ricercatrice ISC, partecipa a Là fuori. Festivale della scienza e arte.

Là Fuori Festival è parte di un progetto più grande che nasce a Roma con l’obiettivo di piantare un seme per la creazione di una cittadinanza scientifica e critica, partendo dall’idea che le sperimentazioni artistiche, affiancate all’indagine scientifica, possano stimolare non solo la partecipazione attiva ma anche la qualità dell’esplorazione della realtà, affiancando alla prospettiva oggettiva della scienza quella dell’espressione soggettiva dell’arte.

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Dagli storni al traffico è tutto un movimento. Collettivo. – Intervista a Stefania Melillo, ricercatrice ISC

Stefania Melillo, ricercatrice ISC, spiega la connessione tra la fisica dei sistemi complessi e lo studio dei movimenti degli stormi in una video intervista su CNR WebTV.

Roma d’inverno offre uno spettacolo naturalistico impressionante, quasi inaspettato da vedere in una città così grande. Ogni sera, poco prima del tramonto, migliaia di uccelli coordinano il loro movimento e appaiono come un unico organismo per difendersi dai predatori.… Read the rest

Seminar by S. Felicetti Friday October 22 at 4 pm in Conversi

We are pleased to announce a seminar by  Dr. Simone Felicetti  from the Institute for Photonics and Nanostructures of CNR, to be held on October Friday 22nd in Aula Conversi at 4 pm.

Title: “Critical parametric quantum sensing”

Quantum critical systems in proximity of phase transitions exhibit a divergent susceptibility, suggesting that an arbitrarily-high precision may be achieved when they are used as probes to estimate a physical parameter.

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Talk by Maxime Bergman on October 5 at 3:00 p.m in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr. Maxime Bergman (University of Fribourg) to be held in Aula 2 (2nd floor of the Fermi building, Department of Physics, Sapienza) on Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


Microgels have been shown to compress in stages: with increasing concentration, interpenetration of the networks occurs first, followed by faceting and finally isotropic compression.

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SR40 – September 13-15 2021 Perugia, Italy

SR40 is an international conference that has the ambition to be devoted to all phenomena associate with noise, in general and to Stochastic Resonance, in particular. In fact, SR40 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Noise and Fluctuations, providing a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical applications.… Read the rest

Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting – Virtual OSA Meeting 9 – 13 August 2021

ISC Director Claudio Conti co-organizes an OSA Virtual meeting from 9th to 13th August 2021.

An international forum for discussion of all aspects of nonlinear optics, including new phenomena, novel devices, advanced materials and applications. Nonlinear optical phenomena play a key role in many applications of photonics. They are now studied and applied over a wide range of energies and powers, from single-photons to zettawatts and above, and over broad spectral ranges, from THz to Gamma-ray frequencies.… Read the rest

Research at ISC – Presentazione dell’Istituto al Dipartimento di Fisica della Sapienza – 25 Maggio ore 14.30

The director of the Institute of Complex Systems, Prof. Claudio Conti, will present the activities of our Institute at the Physics Department of the University of Rome.

The meeting  will be on-line  on May 25th at 14.30, more information can be found here.Read the rest

Seminar by Paola Verrucchi, Monday April 19 at 3 pm

There is only one time

We draw a picture of physical systems that allows us to recognize what “time” is by requiring consistency with the way that time enters the fundamental laws of Physics. Elements of the picture are two non-interacting and yet entangled quantum systems, one of which acting as a clock. In this setting, employing the Page and Wootters mechanism with tools from large-N quantum approaches, we show that there is not a “quantum time”, possibly opposed to a “classical” one; there is only one time, and it is a manifestation of entanglement.… Read the rest

Machine Learning Photonics Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies, machine learning techniques, and fundamental physics who will share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems and their practical applications. In the new era of artificial intelligence, algorithms and computational interfaces are broadly emerging as novel tools to do scientific research. The paradigms of machine learning also inspire interpretations and methodologies, in both theories and experiments.… Read the rest