Optimal tracking strategies in a turbulent flow in Communication Physics

ISC researcher, M. Cencini  coauthored  an interesting work recently published in Communications Physics, C. Calascibetta, L.  Biferale, F. Borra, F.  and M. Cencini, Optimal tracking strategies in a turbulent flow,  Commun. Phys. 6, 256 (2023).


Pursuing a drifting target in a turbulent flow is an extremely difficult task whenever the searcher has limited propulsion and maneuvering capabilities. Even in the case when the relative distance between pursuer and target stays below the turbulent dissipative scale, the chaotic nature of the trajectory of the target represents a formidable challenge.

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Exploiting double thermoresponsivity for a new class of biocompatible Composite MicroGELS

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 89k *
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Zaccarelli
Other participants: Others
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 88.766,00 € … Read the rest

SILS 2023, Rome, August 30th – September 1st 2023

Annual Conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS)

The annual conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS) will be held in Rome at the Sapienza University from Wednesday 30 August until Friday 1 September 2023.

The conference aims at bringing together the wide Italian community working on instrumentation and
applications of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser. It will serve as an opportunity to highlight recent scientific results in different fields and to present the status and future directions of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser sources.… Read the rest

Richardson Medal 2023 awarded to Prof. A. Vulpiani

Our colleague from the Physics Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Prof. Angelo Vulpiani, ISC associate, has been awarded the 2023 Lewis Fry Richardson Medal is awarded “for contributions to stochastic resonance, as a mechanism for climate variability, the development of multifractals to describe turbulence and chaotic systems, and its implications for predictability”.

Angelo Vulpiani has significantly advanced nonlinear and statistical physics, nonlinear processes and nonlinear geoscience.

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Talk by Maxime Bergman on October 5 at 3:00 p.m in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr. Maxime Bergman (University of Fribourg) to be held in Aula 2 (2nd floor of the Fermi building, Department of Physics, Sapienza) on Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


Microgels have been shown to compress in stages: with increasing concentration, interpenetration of the networks occurs first, followed by faceting and finally isotropic compression.

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Una scuola sull’intelligenza artificiale in fotonica

Creare “cervelli di luce” per macchine intelligenti più veloci, efficienti e “green” degli attuali computer che funzionano grazie ai chip con elettroni e semiconduttori.

L’idea, suggestiva sì, ma già molto concreta, tra scienza e mercato, viene discussa, in questi giorni al Corso “Machine Learning Photonics” organizzata dal  Prof. Claudio Conti e dal Prof. Stefan Wabnitz.

Maggiori informazioni in questo articolo divulgativo apparso sul quotidiano La Provincia di Como.… Read the rest

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