A selection of Lectures and Talks


IDF 2021 – La fisica del comportamento collettivo nei sistemi biologici

Andrea Cavagna – Public Lecture at INFN LNF – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

The Statistical Physics of Flocks and Swarms

Irene Giardina – Public Lecture at University of Rome Sapienza, Rome.

The seventh Starling: the Wonders of Collective Animal Behaviour

Andrea Cavagna – Public Lecture at Institut Poincare’, Paris.

Wild swarms of midges linger at the edge of an ordering phase transition

Irene Giardina – KITP Conference: Active Processes in Living and Nonliving Matter – Kavli Institute for theoretical physics, Santa Barbara

Ordine e disordine: comportamento collettivo in biologia

Andrea Cavagna – TedXNapoli

The Wonder of the starlings dances

by Ran Levy-Yamamori with Andrea Cavagna.

In this short documentary (shot by Ran Levy-Yamamori) COBBS coordinator Andrea Cavagna explains in very elementary words the main results about our starlings research.

Information transfer and behavioral inertia in starling flocks

Andrea Cavagna – Invited talk at the conference “Information, Control, and Learning – The Ingredients of Intelligent Behavior”, Jerusalem

Nelle segrete stanze – sguardi sulle frontiere della ricerca

Irene Giardina – Libreria Assaggi, Rome

La meccanica statistica e il volo degli stormi

Irene Giardina – FisicaDixit Mogliano Veneto, Italy

Complessità in Etologia: un approccio di fisica statistica al comportamento collettivo animale

Irene Giardina – Storns, Rome