
Outstanding Referee: Andrea Puglisi

Congratulations to Andrea Puglisi for being chosen for the APS Outstanding Referees 2020 award.
Past award winners have been:
2019 Jose Lorenzana
2018 Stefano Lepri
2016 Lara Benfatto
2011 Massimo Cencini
2008 Alessandro TorciniRead the rest

A silver path for high temperature superconductivity

Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity without loss of energy when cooled to sufficiently low temperatures. This sort of perpetual movement of electrons allows the creation of large magnetic fields for applications such as magnetic resonance imaging, which is used in hospitals for diagnostics or experiments for the discovery of new particles in large CERN accelerators. These niche applications could become much more widespread if one could avoid having to cool the materials at very low temperatures.… Read the rest

Two postdocs in complex materials applied to quantum technologies

The Rome-Sapienza Unit of the Institute for Complex Systems (ISC-CNR) is looking for two outstanding postdocs one experimental and one theoretical. Both postdocs will join an interdisciplinary team of nanoscience scientists, material science specialists, and theoreticians with the aim to study and characterize complex materials for quantum technologies. The team will study unconventional and strongly disorder superconductors to exploit the extreme sensitivity and non-linearity of these materials for quantum technological applications like kinetic inductance detectors.… Read the rest


Superconduttori per Imaging Medicale e Aerospaziale ad Alte Prestazioni

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 150k
Principal Investigator: Josè Lorenzana
Other participants: CNR ISC: Lara Benfatto e due ricercatori postdoc da individuare.
CNR IFN: Maria Gabriella Castellano, Giorgio Pettinari, Sara Cibella
Sapienza: Michele Ortolani, Leonetta Baldassarre
INFN: Marco Vignati, Angelo Cruciani
Project duration:

Progetto di Ricerca, finanziato ai sensi della L.R.Read the rest

The soft side of hard matter

Soft condensed matter is characterized by gigantic responses to  external perturbations which is the reason why these systems are extremely useful for applications, like liquid crystals in our cell phones displays. In contrast, hard condensed matter a.k.a. solids respond more weakly to external perturbations but present an enormous richness of interesting phases like metallic, insulating,  magnetic, superconducting, ferroelectric,  charge order, etc.  … Read the rest

Volume collapse transition in Ce

Crystalline Ce has a remarkable phase diagram in that is the solid state analogue of a Van der Walls system with a line of discontinuous transitions ending at a critical point.

The two phases alpha and gamma have the same cubic symmetry and differ only on density just like water and vapor but in the solid state!.

However unlike water and vapor the critical exponents close to the critical point are not three dimensional Ising critical exponents, as one would naively guess from symmetries, but  classical (Gaussian) exponents.… Read the rest


New density functionals for the electronic structure of correlated materials

Founding Body: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Total grant: € k
Principal Investigator: José Lorenzana
Other participants:
Project duration: 2010-2013
Read the rest

Competing orders in Iron based superconductors

In January 2008 a new family of superconductors has been discovered with FeAs layers. Iron is a magnetic ion and in traditional superconductors small amounts of magnetic impurities kill superconductivity so an iron based superconductor is at first sight surprising.

Tc has grow rapidly beyond 50K opening a new gate to high-Tc superconductivity. In addition the phase diagram has some similarities with the cuprates which suggest that understanding the superconductors from this new iron age can help to solve the mistery of the supercundoctors from the copper age.… Read the rest

Frustrated Phase Separation

A large variety of systems with competing short and long range interactions self-organizes in domain patterns as reviewed by Seul and Andelman. Examples range from magnetic systems (left figure A) to organic systems (left figure B).

Inhomogeneous states display a simple set of predominant morphologies like circular droplets and stripes in two-dimensional (2D) systems, and layers, cylindrical rods and spherical droplets in three-dimensional (3D) systems.… Read the rest

Inhomogeneities in Cuprates

If the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity is electronic, to understand the electronic excitation spectrum is as important as to understand phonons was important to develop BCS theory. In this regard charge and spin inhomogeneous states, often found in strongly correlated systems, are interesting because they can support new collective modes, “electronic phonons”, that would not be present in a weakly interacting fluid.… Read the rest