Archive for year: 2023

Toward a Unified Description of the Electrostatic Assembly of Microgels and Nanoparticles in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

ISC researchers  F. Brasili, S. Sennato and E. Zaccarelli coauthored an interesting research published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,  Toward a Unified Description of the Electrostatic Assembly of Microgels and Nanoparticles, F. Brasili, G. Del Monte, A. Capocefalo, E. Chauveau, E. Buratti, S. Casciardi, D. Truzzolillo, S. Sennato, E. Zaccarelli ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, December 2023



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Optimal tracking strategies in a turbulent flow in Communication Physics

ISC researcher, M. Cencini  coauthored  an interesting work recently published in Communications Physics, C. Calascibetta, L.  Biferale, F. Borra, F.  and M. Cencini, Optimal tracking strategies in a turbulent flow,  Commun. Phys. 6, 256 (2023).


Pursuing a drifting target in a turbulent flow is an extremely difficult task whenever the searcher has limited propulsion and maneuvering capabilities. Even in the case when the relative distance between pursuer and target stays below the turbulent dissipative scale, the chaotic nature of the trajectory of the target represents a formidable challenge.

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Enhanced Critical Field at an Oxide Interface in Nano Letters

Almost uncharged and non-magnetic electrons explain resilience to magnetic fields in exotic superconductors

ISC Director, J. Lorenzana, coauthored an interesting work on Nano Letters, Enhanced Critical Field of Superconductivity  at an Oxide Interface, Athby H. Al-Tawhid
A. H. Al-Tawhid, S. J. Poage, S. Salmani-Rezaie, A. Gonzalez, S. Chikara, D. A. Muller, D. P. Kumah, Maria N. Gastiasoro, J. Lorenzana, and K.… Read the rest


Crystal Engineering of ACentric and MEchanically responsive smart crystals

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 47k *
Principal Investigator: Roberto Centore (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Other participants: Francis Allen Farrelly CNR-ISC, Università di Salerno, Università di Torino
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


Molecular properties of single antigen-specific T-cells in rheumatoid arthritis

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 7k *
Principal Investigator: Prof. Jens Geginat (Università degli studi di Milano)
Other participants: Alessandro Taloni
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


TAckling new psychoactive substances by MEtabolomics: an integrated Research pLan based on mAss spectrometry, Nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectrOscopies

Founding Body: MUR: PRIN22
Total grant: € 99k *
Principal Investigator: Camilla Montesano (Università Sapienza)
Other participants: Claudia Fasolato
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


Equations informed and data-driven approaches for collective optimal search in complex flows

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 109k *
Principal Investigator: Massimo Cencini
Other participants: Department of Physics University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (L. Biferale)
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


artIficial intelligenCe-assisted 3D digitAl manufactuRing of fUnctionally graded materialS

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 56k *
Principal Investigator: Roberta Angelini
Other participants:  
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 56.542,00 €… Read the rest


WoundXene: chronic wound regeneration by MXenes-based 3D-printed patches

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 96k *
Principal Investigator: Valentina Palmieri
Other participants:  
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 96.056,00 €… Read the rest


Disentangling human infants’ Plasticity during sUbsistEnce tRansitIons: an innovative integrated approach

Founding Body: fb
Total grant: € 89k *
Principal Investigator: Prof. Massimo Vidale, Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Other participants: Silvia Capuani
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


Biomimetic antimicrobial vesicle-like nanoarchitectures for multi-drug-resistant bacteria

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: €62k *
Principal Investigator: Luigi Paduano (Università di Napoli)
Other participants: Simona Sennato
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 61.532,00 € … Read the rest

In ricordo di Giulia Cecchettin

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Demystifying mosquito sex: unraveling MOsquito SWARMs with lab-based 3D video tracking


Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: €103k *
Principal Investigator: Roberta Spaccapelo Dip. Medicina e Chrurgia, Universita’ degli Studi di Perugia
Other participants: Stefania Melillo
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”FondoRead the rest


Light-programmed two-dimensional meta-holograms for integrated neuromorphic computing

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: €115k *
Principal Investigator: Davide Pierangeli
Other participants: Università de L’Aquila
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 114.949,00 € … Read the rest


Motility and communication in active matter: from aggregation in quorum sensing to signal transmission in biofilms

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: €90k *
Principal Investigator: Nicoletta Gnan
Other participants: NANOTEC-CNR
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 90.304,00 € … Read the rest


Exploiting double thermoresponsivity for a new class of biocompatible Composite MicroGELS

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 89k *
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Zaccarelli
Other participants: Others
Project duration: 2023-2025

Finanziato Dall’unione Europea – Next Generation EU – Piano Nazionale Di Ripresa E Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione E Ricerca” – Componente C2 Investimento 1.1.”Fondo Per Il Programma Nazionale Di Ricerca E Progetti Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
* importo finanziamento pari a 88.766,00 € … Read the rest

2D High-Temperature Superconductor Integration in Contact Printed Circuit Boards in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

ISC researcher Valentina Brosco coauthored an interesting research article published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, C. Saggau et al.2D High-Temperature integration in Contact Printed Circuit Boards, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 44, 51558 (2023).  The work paves the way to the realization of novel  printed circuits and devices integrating atomically thin high-Tc superconducting  films.

2D High-Temperature Superconductor Integration in Contact Printed Circuit Boards

Inherent properties of superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x films, such as the high superconducting transition temperature Tc, efficient Josephson coupling between neighboring CuO layers, and fast quasiparticle relaxation dynamics, make them a promising platform for advances in quantum computing and communication technologies.

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Soft Discussions – next webinar on December 13th

ISC reseracher Nicoletta Gnan co-organize the  interesting webinar series “Soft Discussions: Roads to the Isodays” covering various topics in soft matter.

Each webinar, of  the duration of approximately 1 hour,  cosists of  two parts:

Part1 – Ask me Anything!

Our Ask Me Anything (AMA) session is a unique opportunity to interact with an internationally renowned scientist in the field of soft matter.

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BEEPER: la startup ISC fra i finalisti della Start Cup Lazio

Il 26 ottobre 2023 a partire dalle 14.30 presso la Sala Tirreno della Regione Lazio si terrà l’evento:

Valorizzazione imprenditoriale della ricerca scientifica e impatto sociale, titolo dell’evento finale della IX Edizione Start Cup Lazio, la business plan competition che premia i migliori progetti di start-up/spin-off innovativi provenienti dal sistema regionale della ricerca scientifica.

Fra i finalisti della competizione c’e’ BEEPER acronimo di Benessere personalizzato con Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare, Start-up proposta da Silvia Capuani e Marco Montuori del CNR ISC.… Read the rest

Rome Maker Faire October 20 2023

Le Ricercatrici Roberta Angelini e Barbara Ruzicka dell’Istituto dei  Sistemi Complessi partecipano a Maker Faire Rome ( nello stand Rome Technopole  con un laboratorio interattivo rivolto principalmente agli studenti, ma  adatto anche ad un pubblico generico, basato sulla manipolazione di  diversi materiali soffici per scoprire di più sulle proprietà di questi  materiali del futuro e sulle loro applicazioni.



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Domain statistics in the relaxation of the 1D Ising model with long-range interactions in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

ISC researcher Paolo Politi coauthored an interesting article published  in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.
F. Corberi, M. Kumar, E. Lippiello and P. Politi, Domain statistics in the relaxation of the one-dimensional Ising model with strong long-range interactions, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 173,113681, (2023).

After a zero temperature quench, we study the kinetics of the one-dimensional Ising model with long-range interactions between spins at a distance r decaying as r with α≤1.

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29 Settempre 2023: Notte europea dei ricercatori

La Ricercatrice Roberta Angelini dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi  partecipa alla Notte euopea dei Ricercatori nello stand di Rome Technopole per accogliere ed introdurre il pubblico al nuovo  ecosistema  dell’innovazione della regione Lazio, il primo polo multi-tecnologico per l’insegnamento, la ricerca e e il trasferimento tecnologico nei settoridella transizione energetica e della sostenibilità, della transizione digitale e della salute e biofarmaceutica con 6 spokes e 8 flagships.… Read the rest

Waveguide QED with Quadratic Light-Matter Interactions – PRX Quantum

ISC researcher S. Felicetti is the lead author of a research article now published in PRX Quantum, in collaboration with Aalto University (Helsinki) and the Institute of Fundamental Physics IFF-CSIC (Madrid): U. Alushi, T. Ramos, J.-J. G.-Ripoll, R. Di Candia, and S. Felicetti PRX Quantum 4, 030326 (2023).

Quadratic light-matter interactions are nonlinear couplings such that quantum emitters interact with photonic or phononic modes exclusively via the exchange of excitation pairs.… Read the rest

Extreme transport of light in spheroids of tumor cells in Nature communications

ISC researchers Davide Pierangeli and Valentina Pamieri coauthored an interesting reasearch article published in Nature Communications.

“Extreme transport of light in spheroids of tumor cells”

Giordano Perini, Valentina Palmieri, Ivana Grecco, Ginevra Friggeri, Marco De Spirito, Massimiliano Papi, Eugenio Del Re  and Claudio Conti,

Nature Communications  14, 4662 (2023)


Extreme waves are intense and unexpected wavepackets ubiquitous in complex systems.

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109th Meeting of the Italian Physical Society

This year, the Italian Physical Society (SIF) is organizing its 109th meeting from September 11th to September 15th, 2023, at the Department of Physics of the University of Salerno in Fisciano.

Plenary talk by ISC Researcher E. Zaccarelli, “The physics of thermoresponsive polymer networks: Insisghts from computer simulations”  More information on the many contributions of ISC reserachers can be found on the Conference Website.… Read the rest

Mechanism for fluctuating pair density wave in Nature Communications

ISC researcher L. Fanfarillo coauthored an interesting article now published in Nature Communications, C. Setty, L. Fanfarillo and P. J. Hirschfeld Nat. Comm.  3181 (2023).

In weakly coupled BCS superconductors, only electrons within a tiny energy window around the Fermi energy, EF, form Cooper pairs. This may not be the case in strong coupling superconductors such as cuprates, FeSe, SrTiO3 or cold atom condensates where the pairing scale, EB, becomes comparable or even larger than EF.

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Second School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics @ IMT Lucca starts on August 28th 2023

The second edition of the School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics – SIFS will be
held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy from the 28th of August to the 7th of September
The school will offer intensive two-weeks courses with follow up meetings. It will be structured into two long
courses, four short courses and tutoring activities.… Read the rest

Thermodynamic Limits of Sperm Swimming Precision – PRX Life

In PRX Life Thermodynamics Reveals Coordinated Motors in Sperm Tails
Thermodynamic Limits of Sperm Swimming Precision, C. Maggi, F. Saglimbeni, V. Carmona Sosa, R. Di Leonardo, B. Nath, and A. Puglisi in PRX Life

Sperm swimming is crucial to fertilize the egg, in nature and in assisted reproductive technologies. Modeling the sperm dynamics involves elasticity, hydrodynamics, internal active forces, and out-of-equilibrium noise.

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SILS 2023, Rome, August 30th – September 1st 2023

Annual Conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS)

The annual conference of the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS) will be held in Rome at the Sapienza University from Wednesday 30 August until Friday 1 September 2023.

The conference aims at bringing together the wide Italian community working on instrumentation and
applications of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser. It will serve as an opportunity to highlight recent scientific results in different fields and to present the status and future directions of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser sources.… Read the rest

Là fuori. Festival della scienza e arte. Roma, 17-21 Giugno 2023

Claudia Fasolato, ricercatrice ISC, partecipa a Là fuori. Festivale della scienza e arte.

Là Fuori Festival è parte di un progetto più grande che nasce a Roma con l’obiettivo di piantare un seme per la creazione di una cittadinanza scientifica e critica, partendo dall’idea che le sperimentazioni artistiche, affiancate all’indagine scientifica, possano stimolare non solo la partecipazione attiva ma anche la qualità dell’esplorazione della realtà, affiancando alla prospettiva oggettiva della scienza quella dell’espressione soggettiva dell’arte.

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Sapienza Career Days: B. Ruzicka presents ISC activities

Sapienza Career Days – STEM

Il 18 maggio 2023 Barbara Ruzicka, direttore dell’unità di ricerca ISC-Sapienza, presenterà le attività dell’Istituto alla prima edizione del Sapienza Career Days – STEM, evento  dedicato all’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro in ambito STEM.

L’evento coinvolgerà imprese e organizzazioni che presso i desk allestiti saranno a disposizione per incontrare gli studenti e i laureati delle Facoltà STEM: 

  • Architettura
  • Ingegneria civile e industriale
  • Ingegneria dell’informazione, informatica e statistica
  • Scienze Matematiche, fisiche e naturali

Saranno inoltre organizzati sessioni parallele con focus tematici sulle professioni e presentazioni in aula nel corso delle quali le aziende illustreranno la propria cultura, descriveranno le opportunità di carriera, i principali profili ricercati e l’iter di selezione.… Read the rest

Italian Quantum Weeks March 13th – May 14th 2023

Cosa sono le Italian Quantum Weeks?

Si tratta di eventi diffusi su tutto il territorio nazionale, grazie all’ampia rete di partner scientifici che aderiscono, programmati in presenza e on-line e dedicati a un pubblico di tutte le età. L’obiettivo è diffondere il mondo dei quanti e le opportunità che la rivoluzione quantistica sta per portare. Le Italian Quantum Weeks vengono promosse da scienziati, ingegneri, divulgatori ed educatori italiani in occasione del World Quantum Day, previsto per il 14 Aprile.… Read the rest

Rome Science Festival 18-23 Aprile 2023

ISC researchers  Marco Montuori, Roberta Angelini, Claudia Fasolato, Barbara Ruzicka participate to Roma Science Festival

I giochi da tavolo, il loro uso e la loro creazione, possono essere un prezioso supporto per la didattica grazie alla capacità di coinvolgimento, e alla possibilità che danno di manipolare concetti astratti fornendo metafore e illustrazioni.

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Photonic machine learning polarimetry in Nature Communications

A new method allows the measurement of the polarization of light in a single shot without requiring any polarization optics. The single-shot polarization camera exploits photonic machine learning and enables the use of polarization-structured light in communication, sensing, and computing.

Generating, manipulating, and detecting the polarization of light has crucial importance in many areas such as sensing, microscopy, and quantum information and computation.

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Molecular origin of the two-step mechanism of gellan aggregation in Science Advances

ISC researchers in collaboration with the University of Ferrara and University of Rome Tor Vergata recently published a beautiful research work, Molecular origin of the two-step mechanism of gellan aggregation,  on Science Advances. The work provides the first microscopic overview of gellan aggregation detecting the coil to single-helix transition at dilute conditions and the formation of higher-order aggregates at high concentration.… Read the rest

Heat flow on the nanoscale in La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (2023)

ISC researcher Stefano Lepri and ISC associate Roberto Livi coauthored an interesting review article  showing how heat flow is different on the nanoscale.

G. Benenti, D. Donadio, S. Lepri and R. Livi, Non Fourier heat transport in nanosystems, La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (2023)

Energy transfer in small nano-sized systems can be very different from that in their macroscopic counterparts due to reduced dimensionality, interaction with surfaces, disorder, and large fluctuations.

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Seminar by Simone Felicetti on March 14th 2023.

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr.Simone Felicetti, from CNR Rome, Italy.
The seminar will be held in Sala Lauree on Tuesday March 14, 2023, 3:00 PM.

Waveguide QED with Quadratic Light-Matter Interactions

Quadratic light-matter interactions are nonlinear couplings such that quantum emitters interact with photonic or phononic modes exclusively via the exchange of excitation pairs. Implementable with atomic and solid-state systems, these couplings lead to a plethora of phenomena that have been characterized in the context of cavity QED, where quantum emitters interact with localized bosonic modes.

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Brain sciences and the R words

ISC researcher Roberto Coccurello co-authored  an interesting article on Brain Communications Passive immunotherapy for N-truncated tau ameliorates the cognitive deficits in two mouse Alzheimer’s disease models . The work was recently selected for the collection Brain sciences and the R words for its rigor, reproducibility and quality of the statistical analysis.


Clinical and neuropathological studies have shown that tau pathology better correlates with the severity of dementia than amyloid plaque burden, making tau an attractive target for the cure of Alzheimer’s disease.… Read the rest


One Health Basic and Transational Research Actions addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Diseases

Funding Body: MUR, EU, PNRR
ISC budget: 114.500.00
Proposer: Università di Pavia
Project duration: 36 months
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National Quantum Science and Technology Institute

Funding Body: MUR, EU, PNRR
ISC budget: 430.000
Proposer: Università degli Studi di Camerino
Project duration: 36 months
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National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

Funding Body: MUR, EU, PNRR
ISC budget: 384,875
proposer: INFN
Project duration: 36 months
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Rome Technopole

Funding Body: MUR, EU, PNRR
ISC budget:  340.000.000
Proposer: La Sapienza University
Project duration: 36 months
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Call for applications for 3rd Level Qualification Researcher

The Institute for Complex Systems seeks an applicant for a fixed term researcher position in the field of Development of laser sensors and machine learning techniques for advanced spectral analysis. For further details see here and/or contact Neda Ghofraniha.

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Call for applications for Postdoctoral Research Positions

The Institute for Complex Systems seeks applicants for  for a fixed term researcher position in the field of quantum computing and quantum machine learning theory.  For further details see here and/or contact Laura Pilozzi.

 … Read the rest

Richardson Medal 2023 awarded to Prof. A. Vulpiani

Our colleague from the Physics Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Prof. Angelo Vulpiani, ISC associate, has been awarded the 2023 Lewis Fry Richardson Medal is awarded “for contributions to stochastic resonance, as a mechanism for climate variability, the development of multifractals to describe turbulence and chaotic systems, and its implications for predictability”.

Angelo Vulpiani has significantly advanced nonlinear and statistical physics, nonlinear processes and nonlinear geoscience.

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