Can graphene take part in the fight against COVID-19? Nano Today (2020)

ISC researcher, Valentina Palmieri, and her collaborator M. Papi discuss the promising applications of functionalized graphene in the fight against COVID 19. Their research has been published in Nano Today, “Can graphene take part in the fight against COVID-19?

Nano Today

M. Papi and V. Palmieri, Nano Today, Vol. 33,  100883 (2020)


The pneumonia outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) represents a global issue.

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Analytical Model for Particle Capture in Nanopores, ACS Nano (2020)

Our researcher, Fabio Cecconi, has developed an analytical model elucidating the competition among electrophoresis, electroosmosis, and dielectrophoresis. The work is published on ACS Nano, M. Chinappi, Misa Yamaji, Ryuji Kawano, and Fabio Cecconi, “Analytical Model for Particle Capture in Nanopores Elucidates Competition among Electrophoresis, Electroosmosis, and Dielectrophoresis” ACS Nano, 14, 15816 (2020).



The interaction between nanoparticles dispersed in a fluid and nanopores is governed by the interplay of hydrodynamical, electrical, and chemical effects.… Read the rest


Renormalization group approach to the collective behaviour of strongly correlated biological systems.

Founding Body: ERC- 2017-ADG
Total grant: € 2300k
Principal Investigator: Andrea Cavagna
Other participants:
Project duration: 2018-2023
Website: RG.BIO – Home
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Understanding avian flocks near and entering civil infrastructure for species of concern

Total grant: € 223k
Principal Investigator: Stefania Melillo
Other participants:
Project duration: 2017-2021
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Roberta Angelini is guest Editor of Polymers

Our staff researcher Roberta Angelini is Guest Editor of a Special Issue  of Polymers on “Polymer Microgels: Synthesis and Application

Polymer microgels have attracted great attention in fundamental studies as good model systems for understanding the intriguing behaviors of soft colloids thanks to their elastic and deformable particles that provide a very rich phenomenology. These cross-linked particles with nanometric to micrometric dimensions are characterized by many fascinating properties such as swelling, softness, and responsivity that depend on their macromolecular architecture and can be triggered during the synthesis process.… Read the rest

Dispersionless pulse transport in harmonic chains

Ruggero Vaia has published a new article on Physical Review E “Dispersionless pulse transport in mass-spring chains: All possible perfect Newton’s cradles“,  R. Vaia, Phys. Rev. E 102, 023005 (2020).

Coherent pulse transmission along an arbitrarily long mass-spring chain is a prototype for several material systems: atom/ion chains, polymer molecules, in 1D, but also 2D and 3D systems with symmetry, such as multilayers.… Read the rest


Extreme nonlinear dynamics of driven superconductors

Founding Body: European Community – Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Total grant: € 183k
Principal Investigator: Hector Pablo Ojeda Collado
Other participants: José Lorenzana
Project duration: 2020-2022
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A silver path to a new generation of quantum materials

Founding Body: European Community – Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Total grant: € 171k
Principal Investigator: Maria Navarro Gastiasoro
Other participants: José Lorenzana
Project duration: 2020-2022
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CNR call

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Bando PRIN

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k-statistics approach to epidemiology – Scientific Reports

Antonio Maria Scarfone and co-authors have published The k-statistics approach to epidemiology in Scientific Reports 10, Article number: 19949 (2020)
G. Kaniadakis, M.M. Baldi, T.S. Deisboeck, G.Grisolia, D.T. Hristopulos, A.M. Scarfone, A. Sparavigna, T. Wada, U. Lucia
Keywords: Plague, Pandemics, Epidemics, -Statistics; -deformed Weibull; survival function


A great variety of complex physical, natural and artificial systems are governed by statistical distributions, which often follow a standard exponential function in the bulk, while their tail obeys the Pareto power law.… Read the rest

Dielectric permittivity of aqueous solutions of electrolytes probed by THz time-domain and FTIR spectroscopy – Phys. Lett. A.

A. De Ninno, E. Nikollari, M. Missori and F. Frezza have published Dielectric permittivity of aqueous solutions of electrolytes probed by THz time-domain and FTIR spectroscopy in Physics Letters A.
• The permittivity of water is described in terms of two independent Debye functions.
• The model is also applied to chloride solutions.
• The excess high frequency response is explained without ad hoc corrective terms.… Read the rest

Andrea Cavagna & Irene Giardina selected for Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics

Andrea Cavagna and Irene Giardina selected to receive the American Physical Society’s 2021 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics, which recognizes outstanding achievement in biological physics research.
The citation reads:

“For the incisive combination of observation, analysis, and theory to elucidate the beautiful statistical physics problems underlying collective behavior in natural flocks and swarms.”

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test papercite

[bibfilter author=Cast|Pilozzi|DelRe|Conti|Russell allow=article file=all-new.bib]… Read the rest


[bibtex sort=firstauthor order=asc file=2020-a.bib]… Read the rest

Neuromorphic Computing Waves – PRL

Giulia Marcucci, Davide Pierangeli, and Claudio Conti have published Theory of Neuromorphic Computing by Waves: Machine Learning by Rogue Waves, Dispersive Shocks, and Solitons in Physical Review Letters.

Artificial neural networks with nonlinear waves as a computing reservoir are the subject of the paper in which the universality and the conditions to learn a dataset in terms of output channels and nonlinearity are discussed.… Read the rest

NetSci 2020 in Rome

The Net Sci 2020 International School and Conference on Network Science is being held online this year from September 17th to the 25th.
NetSci 2020 is the flagship conference of the Network Science Society, which aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners working in the emerging research area of network science.
Among the organizers are Guido Caldarelli and Giulio Cimini.… Read the rest

Verbale del Consiglio di Istituto dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del 07 Settembre 2020

Verbale del Consiglio di Istituto dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del 07/09/2020Read the rest

Auguri Silvia

Auguri Silvia! Altro fiocco rosa @ ISC.… Read the rest

Linee guida per la preparazione del piano economico di un progetto

Quando si ottiene un finanziamento è necessario definire ed inserire in Sigla il relativo piano economico (d’ora in avanti PE). Questo deve necessariamente configurarsi come la fedele riproduzione del budget di progetto approvato dall’ente finanziatore ed allegato al contratto (si ricorda che una copia del contratto e del budget deve essere allegata in Sigla).

I progetti commerciali fanno eccezione e non richiedono PE.… Read the rest

Verbale del Consiglio di Istituto dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del 08 Luglio 2020

Verbale del Consiglio di Istituto dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC) del 08 Luglio 2020Read the rest

Microgels at Interfaces Behave as 2D Elastic Particles Featuring Reentrant Dynamics – PRX

Fabrizio Camerin, Nicoletta Gnan, José Ruiz-Franco, Andrea Ninarello, Lorenzo Rovigatti, and Emanuela Zaccarelli have published Microgels at Interfaces Behave as 2D Elastic Particles Featuring Reentrant Dynamics

The properties and the structure of colloids—in which particles of one substance are dispersed in another—are determined by the way those particles interact with each other. An easy guess might lead one to say that complex particles possess an equally complex interaction potential.… Read the rest

Communicating sentiment and outlook reverses inaction against collective risks – pnas

Zhen Wang, Marko Jusup, Hao Guo,Lei Shi, Sunčana Geček, Madhur Anand, Matjaž Perc, Chris T. Bauch, Jürgen Kurths, Stefano Boccaletti, and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber have published
Communicating sentiment and outlook reverses inaction against collective risks

Collective risks trigger social dilemmas that require balancing selfish interests and common good. One important example is mitigating climate change, wherein without sufficient investments, worldwide negative consequences become increasingly likely.… Read the rest

Cumulative Merging Percolation and the Epidemic Transition of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Model in Networks

Claudio Castellano and Romualdo Pastor-Satorras published this article in Phys. Rev. X 10, 011070 – Published 24 March 2020

Complex networks represent the interaction pattern for many real-world phenomena such as epidemic spreading. The simplest and most fundamental model for the diffusion of infectious diseases without acquired immunity predicts a vanishing epidemic threshold in the limit of large systems. In other words, no matter how small the infectiousness of the disease, there is always a finite fraction of the overall population which is infected for long times.… Read the rest

Avviso di selezione Bando: ISC ADR RMSAP 02 2020

La scadenza per l’invio delle domande è il 16 marzo mentre la data per la selezione è rinviata a data da destinarsi.… Read the rest

Outstanding Referee: Andrea Puglisi

Congratulations to Andrea Puglisi for being chosen for the APS Outstanding Referees 2020 award.
Past award winners have been:
2019 Jose Lorenzana
2018 Stefano Lepri
2016 Lara Benfatto
2011 Massimo Cencini
2008 Alessandro TorciniRead the rest

Inserimento Prodotti in People

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Lake Como School of Advanced Photonics

Machine Learning Photonics

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

14 – 18 September 2020

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies, machine learning techniques, and fundamental physics who will share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems and their practical applications. In the new era of artificial intelligence, algorithms and computational interfaces are broadly emerging as novel tools to do scientific research.… Read the rest