Photonics and the Nobel Prize in Physics – News and Views on Nature Photonics

ISC director, Prof. Claudio Conti and Prof. Eugenio Del Re  share their thoughts on  the role of  photonics experiments in the development of complex systems and spin glass theory. Read the full story  on Nature Photonics News and Views.

Photonics and the Nobel Prize in Physics
Giorgio Parisi recently shared a Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to the theory of complex systems.

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Tau Cleavage Contributes to Cognitive Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model

ISC researchers coauthored an interesting work on International Journal of Molecular Science,

Tau Cleavage Contributes to Cognitive Dysfunction in Strepto-Zotocin-Induced Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease (sAD) Mouse Model

V. Latina et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 12158 (2021)

Tau cleavage plays a crucial role in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a widespread neurodegenerative disease whose incidence is expected to increase in the next years.… Read the rest

Alzheimer, individuato anticorpo monoclonale contro la malattia

Uno studio coordinato da ricercatori del nostro Istituto e dall’Istituto di farmacologia traslazionale del Cnr, svolto in collaborazione con Irccs Fondazione S. Lucia e Fondazione Ebri, ha dimostrato come l’anticorpo monoclonale 12A12 determini miglioramenti significativi nelle principali alterazioni prodotte da questa malattia neurodegenerativa. La ricerca è stata pubblicata sull’International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Roberto Coccurello spiega i risultati in questi interessanti contributi divulgativi  su Le Scienze e Sky Tg24.Read the rest

Nature Communications : Hyperbolic optics and superlensing from self-induced topological transitions

Claudio Conti and Eugenio Del Re co-authored an interesting work published on Nature Communications  demonstrating experimentally self-induced topological transitions from elliptical to hyperbolic k-space manifolds in room-temperature photorefractive KTN.

Hyperbolic optics and superlensing in room-temperature KTN from self-induced k-space topological transitions

Y.Gelkop, F.Di Mei, S. Frishman, Y. Garcia, L. Falsi, G. Perepelitsa, C. Conti, E. Del Re , and A. J.

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Sviluppo di Lab-on-chip con nanoparticelle lipidiche per la quantificazione della carica virale di Sars-CoV-2 da tampone nasale

Founding Body: FESR Regione Lazio
Total grant: €150k *
Principal Investigator: Massimiliano Papi Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Other participants: CNR ISC: Valentina Palmieri
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza – Dip. Medicina Molecolare: Prof Giulio Caracciolo
Project duration: 24 months

*) Valore totale del progetto: 149.978,71 € di cui 149.978,71 € a titolo di sostegno finanziario ricevuto dalla Regione Lazio.… Read the rest

Seminar by S. Felicetti Friday October 22 at 4 pm in Conversi

We are pleased to announce a seminar by  Dr. Simone Felicetti  from the Institute for Photonics and Nanostructures of CNR, to be held on October Friday 22nd in Aula Conversi at 4 pm.

Title: “Critical parametric quantum sensing”

Quantum critical systems in proximity of phase transitions exhibit a divergent susceptibility, suggesting that an arbitrarily-high precision may be achieved when they are used as probes to estimate a physical parameter.

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Sviluppo di sistemi e tecnologie quantistiche per la sicurezza informatica in reti di comunicazione

Founding Body: MUR
Total grant: € 78k *
Principal Investigator: Prof. Giovanni Piero Pepe – Università di Napoli Federico II e CNR – SPIN
Other participants: Progetto coordinato dal Dipartimento di scienze fisiche e tecnologie dei materiali del CNR.

Membri del gruppo di Ricerca CNR ISC:  Claudio Conti, Laura Pilozzi, Valentina Brosco

Altri partner pubblici: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Università di Padova, INRIM

Partner privati: EXPRIVA Spa, Memory Consult srl, DEMETRIX srl

Project duration: 30 months starting March 2021
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Giorgio Parisi wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

Our colleague,  professor at the Physics Department of La Sapienza,  Giorgio Parisi, wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics with Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann for  groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems.… Read the rest

L’alfa-sinucleina stimola le cellule staminali neurali

Roberto Coccurello, ricercatore nel nostro Istituto, ha collaborato ad uno studio che ha identificato il ruolo anti-invecchiamento neurale e di mantenimento della produzione di neuroni svolto in vivo da questa molecola. I risultati sono pubblicati su Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

In questo breve articolo divulgativo ci spiega il suo contributo.

Il cervello dei mammiferi continua a generare neuroni per tutta la vita, a partire da cellule staminali neurali, in due zone specifiche dette nicchie neurogeniche: il giro dentato dell’ippocampo e la zona subventricolare.

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The Marvelous Physics of Swarming Midges – ISC research covered by The New York Times

On October 1st The New York times covers our research on swarms. The article begins like this:

On early autumn afternoons across the temperate world, the midges are now gathering to swarm: clouds of tiny flies, wings lit by the sun like so many sparks, swirling in patterns too quick and complicated for the eye to follow but leaving a mental afterimage of order.

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Talk by Maxime Bergman on October 5 at 3:00 p.m in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

We are pleased to announce a seminar by Dr. Maxime Bergman (University of Fribourg) to be held in Aula 2 (2nd floor of the Fermi building, Department of Physics, Sapienza) on Tuesday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


Microgels have been shown to compress in stages: with increasing concentration, interpenetration of the networks occurs first, followed by faceting and finally isotropic compression.

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Frontiers in Cell Biology: Rescue of Alpha-Synuclein Deficit by Virus-Driven Expression or by Running Restores the Defective Neurogenesis

ISC researcher R. Coccurello coauthored an interesting article now published in Frontiers in Cell and developmental biology


Transcriptome Analysis in a Mouse Model of Premature Aging of Dentate Gyrus: Rescue of Alpha-Synuclein Deficit by Virus-Driven Expression or by Running Restores the Defective Neurogenesis

L. Micheli, T. Creanza, M. Ceccarelli, G. D’Andrea, G. Giacovazzo, N. Ancona, R. Coccurello, R. Scardiglli, F.… Read the rest

Talk by Giuseppe Pucci Sept. 29 at 12 in Aula 2 Ed. Fermi, Sapienza

On septembre 29th, our colleague and friend Dr. Giuseppe Pucci from CNR-Nanotec (Calabria), is going to give a talk in Aula 2, Edificio Fermi of the Physics Department of La Sapienza, Roma.

Title Wave-driven particles at a fluid interface: quantum analogs and active dynamics


I review the potential and limitations as quantum analog and active systems of particles driven by self-generated waves at a fluid interface.

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QUANCOM project launched!

ISC researchers, C. Conti, L. Pilozzi and V. Brosco, participate in the new PON project QUANCOM.

Security technologies in both the network transmission layers and in the application layers are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated but, nevertheless these efforts, they are not completely immune to attacks. In fact, even the computing power (parallel and distributed thanks to the network resource) is increasing and available to organizations that, for various purposes, have interests in appropriating of sensitive data.

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Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detector for Radiobiology

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 149k *
Principal Investigator: Rosa Maria Montereali
Other participants: Membri del gruppo di Ricerca ENEA: Rosa Maria Montereali, Enrico Nichelatti, Valentina Nigro, Massimo Piccinini, Concetta Ronsivalle, Maria Aurora Vincenti

Membri del gruppo di Ricerca Istituto Superiore di Sanità: Evaristo Cisbani, Giuseppe Esposito

Membri del gruppo di Ricerca CNR ISC: Elena Buratti

Project duration: 24 months starting  April 2021

Progetto di Ricerca, finanziato da Regione Lazio attraverso il Bando Gruppi di Ricerca 2020
* importo finanziamento pari a € 148.930Read the rest

PNAS: Two-step deswelling in the Volume Phase Transition of thermoresponsive microgels

ISC researchers  working on soft matter coauthored a interesting work on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)
Two-step deswelling in the Volume Phase Transition of thermoresponsive microgels
PNAS September 14, 2021 118 (37) e2109560118

Soft particles often combine colloidal and polymeric aspects, making them very valuable for both fundamental and applied science. Microgels, which are colloidal-scale polymer networks, are one of the most important examples in class of systems.… Read the rest


Comunicazione laser dinamica nello spazio libero tramite droni

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 150k
Principal Investigator: Eugenio Del Re
Other participants: CNR ISC: Claudio Conti
Project duration:

Progetto di Ricerca, finanziato da Regione Lazio attraverso il Bando Gruppi di Ricerca 2020 Read the rest

Simona Olmi wins Human Brain Project (HBP)

The EU-funded Human Brain Project (HBP) adds 5 new projects, among which Simona Olmi’s NextGen, to its partner network dedicated to translating the societal benefits of brain science. Focused on topics such as tackling schizophrenia, developing models to better understand the brain and helping expand human sensorial perception, these projects represent a key milestone in HBP’s transition towards a user-driven research infrastructure, the new EBRAINS.… Read the rest


Diagnosi precoce dell’osteoporosi basata sulla qualità dell’osso con Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 135k
Principal Investigator: Silvia Capuani
Other participants: CNR ISC: Marco Montuori
Collaboratori esterni: Fondazione Santa Lucia: Sergio Colonna, Vincenzo Vinicola, Maurizio Tommaselli, Antonio Ursone, Cecilia Della Vedova
Project duration: 24 months

Progetto di Ricerca, finanziato da Regione Lazio attraverso il Bando Gruppi di Ricerca 2020 Read the rest

Isole Magnetiche – dai tokamak alle aurore polari

In un interessante articolo divulgativo sull’Almanacco della Scienza, quindicinale a cura dell’Ufficio Stampa del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, D. Grasso, ricercatrice dell’Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, spiega che cosa sono le isole magnetiche e per quale motivo rivestono un’importanza fondamentale nella fisica dei plasmi.… Read the rest

EPS prize for Statistical and Nonlinear Physics awarded to Prof. A Vulpiani

Theoretical physicist A. Vulpiani, professor at the Physics Department of the University of Rome  “La Sapienza”  has been awarded the prestigious EPS prize for Statistical and Nonlinear Physics

for his seminal contributions to statistical and nonlinear physics, touching fundamentally important issues in dynamical systems theory and statistical mechanics, including the mechanism of stochastic resonance, multifractality of invariant sets of dynamical systems, the dynamics and multifractal properties of turbulent flows, chaos in Hamiltonian systems, and the limits of predictability in complex systems.

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SR40 – September 13-15 2021 Perugia, Italy

SR40 is an international conference that has the ambition to be devoted to all phenomena associate with noise, in general and to Stochastic Resonance, in particular. In fact, SR40 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Noise and Fluctuations, providing a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical applications.… Read the rest


Sospensioni & aerOsol: denSità ed Evoluzione mediante Spettroscopia Ottica

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 150k
Principal Investigator: Barbara Ruzicka
Other participants: Membri del gruppo di Ricerca CNR ISC: Barbara Ruzicka, Angelo Sarra (ora UnivAQ)
Membri del gruppo di Ricerca Sapienza: Paolo Postorino, Federico Bordi, Francesca Ripanti
Collaboratori esterni: Claudia Fasolato, Alessandro Paciaroni (Università di Perugia)
Project duration:

Progetto di Ricerca, finanziato da Regione Lazio attraverso il Bando Gruppi di Ricerca 2020 Read the rest


Nuovi microgel per la conservazione dei beni artistici

Founding Body: Lazioinnova – Regione Lazio
Total grant: € 150k *
Principal Investigator: Emanuela Zaccarelli
Other participants: CNR ISC: Roberta Angelini, Mauro Missori, Simona Sennato, Letizia Tavagnacco
Univ. Tor Vergata: Ester Chiessi, Claudia Mazzuca, Mattia Titubante, Leonardo Severini
Collaboratori esterni: Maria Letizia Sebastiani (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario – ICRCPAL); Ditta di restauro di Lorenzo Civiero; Librarti; Laboratorio Gottscher; PMI 2610.
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Job Placement Student Meeting ISC-CNR @ Dep. Physics Sapienza

Talk by Claudio Conti on Job Placement in ISC-CNR, meeting with students of the Department of Physics of Sapienza, 25 May 2021 (Italian only)

Prof. C. Conti (CNR)slides
Prof. C. Conti (CNR): registrazione Zoom

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Nature Reviews: The physics of financial networks

ISC associates Guido Caldarelli  and Gulio Cimini coauthored an interesting review on modelling the financial systems and networks now published in Nature Reviews, M. Bardoscia, P. Barucca, S. Battiston, F. Caccioli, G. Cimini, D. Galaschelli, F. Saracco, T. Squartini, and G. Caldarelli. Nat. Rev. Phys. June (2021).

As the total value of the global financial market outgrew the value of the real economy, financial institutions created a global web of interactions that embodies systemic risks.… Read the rest


Next generation neural mass models: bridging the scales from micro to macroscopic dynamics

Founding Body: Human Brain project, co-funded by
European Union Horizon 2020
Total grant: € 96k
Principal Investigator: Simona Olmi
Other participants: Viktor Jirsa (University of Aix-Marseille)
Project duration: 2021-2023
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Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting – Virtual OSA Meeting 9 – 13 August 2021

ISC Director Claudio Conti co-organizes an OSA Virtual meeting from 9th to 13th August 2021.

An international forum for discussion of all aspects of nonlinear optics, including new phenomena, novel devices, advanced materials and applications. Nonlinear optical phenomena play a key role in many applications of photonics. They are now studied and applied over a wide range of energies and powers, from single-photons to zettawatts and above, and over broad spectral ranges, from THz to Gamma-ray frequencies.… Read the rest

Research at ISC – Presentazione dell’Istituto al Dipartimento di Fisica della Sapienza – 25 Maggio ore 14.30

The director of the Institute of Complex Systems, Prof. Claudio Conti, will present the activities of our Institute at the Physics Department of the University of Rome.

The meeting  will be on-line  on May 25th at 14.30, more information can be found here.Read the rest

Science: Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations

ISC researcher Stefano Focardi coauthored an interesting work in Science,”Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations” Science 372, 567 (2021).

The article shows how limited mapping of mammalians migrations hampers conservation  and envisions a digital archive translating migration data into actionable migration maps that are standardized, in a central database, and publicly available.


Migration of ungulates (hooved mammals) is a fundamental ecological process that promotes abundant herds, whose effects cascade up and down terrestrial food webs.… Read the rest

Laser Printing

By exploiting the mechanism of supercavitation we are able to realize laser-induced multi-scale structure on the surface of graphene oxide (GO) based polymeric matrices. The objective of this activity is twofold. From a fundamental point of view, we want to investigate the role of a multi-scale topological structure on the mechanism ruling the growth of microorganisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to human stem cells.… Read the rest

Seminar by Paola Verrucchi, Monday April 19 at 3 pm

There is only one time

We draw a picture of physical systems that allows us to recognize what “time” is by requiring consistency with the way that time enters the fundamental laws of Physics. Elements of the picture are two non-interacting and yet entangled quantum systems, one of which acting as a clock. In this setting, employing the Page and Wootters mechanism with tools from large-N quantum approaches, we show that there is not a “quantum time”, possibly opposed to a “classical” one; there is only one time, and it is a manifestation of entanglement.… Read the rest

Augmented Art – Lab NMR

Il lab NMR si trova nella rete R6 del distretto tecnologico dei beni culturali DTC della Regione Lazio.

Il video mostra i risultati del progetto finanziato dalla Regione Lazio che ha coinvolto:

  • Lab NMR del CNR ISC e Sapienza
  • Multimodal 3D
  • Museo delle Civiltà di Roma

Sono state realizzate immagini NMR di reperti lignei esposti presso l’esposizione del Neolitico presso il Museo delle Civiltà di Roma.… Read the rest

Nature Communications: Stochastic sampling effects favor manual over digital contact tracing

ISC researcher Claudio Castellano and collaborators unveil the roles of contact tracing procedures in mitigating COVID-19 pandemic, now published in Nature Communications, see M. Mancasroppa, C. Castellano, A. Vezzani and R. Burioni, Stochastic sampling effects favor manual over digital contact tracing, Nature Communications 12, 1919 (2021).



Isolation of symptomatic individuals, tracing and testing of their nonsymptomatic contacts are fundamental strategies for mitigating the current COVID-19 pandemic.… Read the rest

Una scuola sull’intelligenza artificiale in fotonica

Creare “cervelli di luce” per macchine intelligenti più veloci, efficienti e “green” degli attuali computer che funzionano grazie ai chip con elettroni e semiconduttori.

L’idea, suggestiva sì, ma già molto concreta, tra scienza e mercato, viene discussa, in questi giorni al Corso “Machine Learning Photonics” organizzata dal  Prof. Claudio Conti e dal Prof. Stefan Wabnitz.

Maggiori informazioni in questo articolo divulgativo apparso sul quotidiano La Provincia di Como.… Read the rest

Time and classical equations of motion from quantum entanglement

ISC Researcher Paola Verrucchi and Collaborators wrote a beatiful and elegant work investigating the concept of time in quantum mechanics, now published in  Nature Communications, see C. Foti, A.Coppo, G. Barni, A. Cuccoli and P. Verrucchi, Time and classical equations of motion from quantum entanglement via the Page and Wootters mechanism with generalized coherent states, Nature Communications 12,  1787 (2021).

The figure shows the interaction between a classical clock and a quantum system.… Read the rest

Machine Learning Photonics Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

The school brings together experts in emerging photonic technologies, machine learning techniques, and fundamental physics who will share with young researchers their knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches for understanding and designing complex photonic systems and their practical applications. In the new era of artificial intelligence, algorithms and computational interfaces are broadly emerging as novel tools to do scientific research. The paradigms of machine learning also inspire interpretations and methodologies, in both theories and experiments.… Read the rest

Photonics Research Special Issue now available online

ISC researcher Laura Pilozzi, co-edited the Photonics Research Special Issue Topological Photonics and beyond: novel concepts and recent avances, now available online



Topological photonics has been opening exciting opportunities in recent optics research. This Special Issue provides a snapshot and overview of the recent advances in this thriving field of research. It features six papers and one review article, by some of the leading experts in the field, covering various aspects of topological photonics research.… Read the rest

ERC 2021

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Advances in interacting complex systems

A joint online event organized by the Department of Physics of Bar-Ilan and the CNR-Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (ISC-CNR) as a part of project EXPLICS “Towards a physical realization of explosive phenomena in interacting complex systems”, granted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

See the Conference Website for more information.

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Machine Learning per teleassistenza

Founding Body: POR FESR Lazio
Total grant: € 612k
Principal Investigator: Unidata: Giampaolo Rossin
Other participants: Francis A. Farrelly
Project duration: 2020-2022
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Wolf prize in Physics 2021 to Giorgio Parisi


Theoretical physicist Giorgio Parisi, professor at the Physics Department of the University of Rome , “La Sapienza”  and  president of  Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, has been awarded the prestigious Wolf Prize for Physics 2021 “for his pioneering discoveries in quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems”.… Read the rest

MARS-Mass And Rheological Sensing

Versatile Mass And Rheological Sensing platform

Founding Body: European Union Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Total grant: € 171.5k
Principal Investigator: João Mouro
Other participants: Bruno Tiribilli
Project duration: 2020-2022
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Face masks and nanotechnology

ISC researcher V. Palmieri coauthored an article  on NanoToday explaining the role of nanotechnologies in improving the performance of facial masks and  warning on possible future consequences caused by a poorly regulated use of nanotechnology in textiles.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. While researchers are working on vaccine development and elucidating the mechanism of action and evolution of the harmful SARS-CoV-2, the current most important public health measure, second only to social distancing, is the obligatory wearing of facial protection.… Read the rest

Replica Symmetry Breaking Maps in Random Laser, ACS Photonics (2021)

ISC Researchers build for the first time replica symmetry breaking  maps to visualize Random Laser activity on ACS Photonics 2021

In the past decade, complex networks of light emitters are proposed as novel platforms for photonic circuits and lab-on-chip active devices. Lasing networks made by connected multiple gain components and graphs of nanoscale random lasers (RLs) obtained from complex meshes of polymeric nanofibers are successful prototypes.… Read the rest