Shaken Granular Lasers


A random laser is usually obtained pumping light through a disordered medium. The dynamics of light through a heterogeneous configuration of scatterers and cavities provides emitted spectra with random and fluctuating peaks which have a wide range of applications and are nowadays subject to an intense theoretical activity. In this work we have added a new flavour to the idea of random lasers, replacing the usually static disordered medium with a vibrofluidized granular material. This allows one to finely tune the degree of disorder, by means of simply controlling the vibration properties (e.g. amplitude and frequency), resulting in a  direct access to many different random laser phases.

V. Folli, A. Puglisi, L. Leuzzi, C. Conti
Shaken Granular Lasers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 248002 (2012)